Who ya gonna call......SPAMBUSTERS!!!!

by GBexpert.

18 years, 7 months ago

I just had to draw this in paint it. Spam in the NO-GHOST! logo Now its
NO-SPAM!…lol It took about 5min to draw this…..

Who ya gonna call……SPAMBUSTERS!!!!

by 9sam11

18 years, 7 months ago

oook then… lol

by Para-psychology_doc

18 years, 7 months ago

I happen to like your picture of spam.

by GBexpert.

18 years, 7 months ago

Working on it. I wanted to make the NO-SPAM logo in a different draw pad but this seemed to work.

by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

I still don't get the Spambusters thing… why the hamburger? ?

by GBexpert.

18 years, 7 months ago

I made the drawing from a picture of some spam. It was the only picture of spam I had. I will have to find a better picture. Does anyone actually
eat spam! What if the Spambusters were real? Ridding the earth of bad
Spam! That gives me an idea!

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago


Several posts that were apart of these thread have been moved to the Post Containment Unit on the site in order for the content to be removed from the eyes of younger member sof the community and inspection by the moderating team. Any further divergence of topic will also be relocated there.

I must impress that all decisions made by moderators are collective. I just happen to have been the mod on duty at the time, all decisions of this nature are decided on by the mods as a whole.

Once the mod team has inspected the topic, decisions will be made as to what further action should be taken with regards to the images posted and the users involved.



by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

Sinister, I understand that you, gh0stbuster and I we all got way off topic, but still I don't get why you haven't done nothing about 9sam1's avatar and signature… yet you removed a message with a picture similar to 9sam1's signature that I posted to show you what to probably also remove from the thread or board… maybe I should have sent you a pm… and the balls comment directed to 9sam1 was a reference to this here…


by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago

The balls comment I was not aware of, and shall be dealt with in due course. With regards to 9Sam1's other icons and sig, you must understand, I'm not some crazy mod with a vendetta, I am acting on behalf of the mod collective, the issue of Gh0stbuster's avatar was raised, we all put our view in and came to a desicion.

For the following reasons 9sam1's avatar remains.

1) I am not an admin, it is not within my power to remove the avatars myself.

2) Even if, I was mortally offended by his icons, it is subjective and therefore the mods need to agree ona course of action, as likely as not, it will have an effect on later desicions, such as the removal of Gh0stbuster's icon. No other mods have been online to make such a desicion, so nothing can be done about it. Where as, an offensive comment, I could easily sort out myself. It may seem like this is an over complicated process, but it is in place so that we dont have a mod going off doing his own thing and causing problems by being too heavy handed or unfair. Rest assured, the issue of 9sam1's icon HAS been raised in the Mod forum, and willl be addressed soon.

I would request that further discussion of this topic be sent to me via PM. Thankyou.

by GBexpert.

18 years, 7 months ago

Here it is the new no-spam logo . It took about a hour to make There are some problems I need to work on. I turned it into a movie poster!

Sorry the pic is not bigger. I will have to work on that!