ROFL :-)
Gh0stbuster & Sinister,
You guys trip me out!
I wonder how it would be. If you two were in the same room together. I guess Ben would have to stand in between yall. lol :-) :p
hey Amanda don't forget about me lol :p
what about : on this corner, accompanied by Kingpin, from the Ãnited Kingdom, Sinister! … and his opponent, accompanied by fomeboy, from the United States, Gh0stbuster! … and the referee for this contest… Roslee
BigMac the car is pretty cool 
I think your right about the referee part. I couldn't defend one against the other. Because Kingpin is my favorite person on the boards

And you too fomeboy
I guess Kingpin and I could be the announcers for the Ghost head death match LOL.
“Joining the ring tonight is top moderator ”Sinister“ Who is about to take on Gh0stbuster” This will be one incredible fight LOL.
And than you fomeboy could defeat who ever won…. I wonder who!?