Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by metallico33

16 years ago

yeah before the dark knight was out mattel sold those joker figures and by the time the movie came out they were'nt any left so people started going crazy and people on ebay started selling them for more than $100, now they are a lot of jokers and a lot of people still sell them in a high price claiming that the toy is first issue. I bought mine for $14 on ebay and I like it.

by RealmMan

16 years ago

That's it! Screw unemployment! Dust off the Visa, cuz daddy's gone shoppin'!!!!

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years ago

That's it! Screw unemployment! Dust off the Visa, cuz daddy's gone shoppin'!!!!

If that's with a Wells Fargo credit card, we'll be talking soon.

by Sp9543

16 years ago

Can someone please talk about mattycollector.com in terms of how to sign up to become a member? Do you need to pay a registration fee? Do you simply sign up for the news letter? Or can anybody buy from them? I am a little confused.

by RealmMan

16 years ago

The next issue of ToyFare (#141) will have a feature on the development of the GB Matty figs. I can't recall if ToyFare is monthly or bimonthly (shoulda checked, sorry) so check in April (and if need be check back in May).

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago


Not sure if this album has been posted before but I just found it and it has a lot of great shots of the figures.

by Andreas

15 years, 11 months ago

by GuyCC

15 years, 11 months ago

So have they said exactly when the toys go “live” for sale, or just “keep watching this space”?

by metallico33

15 years, 11 months ago

I was just thinking of that, when are they gonna sell it and is it for a whole day or just till they ran out because I noticed that if the figures solds out it say “no longer available” so thats your last chance to buy it.

another thing I checked ebay for the HE-man classic toyline and a lot of the figures are sold for at least $10 more of the regular price.

I just thought of how many figures can one person buy?

If someone can answer this questions or can contact matty collector about this please share with us.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

I was just thinking of that, when are they gonna sell it and is it for a whole day or just till they ran out because I noticed that if the figures solds out it say “no longer available” so thats your last chance to buy it.

another thing I checked ebay for the HE-man classic toyline and a lot of the figures are sold for at least $10 more of the regular price.

I just thought of how many figures can one person buy?

If someone can answer this questions or can contact matty collector about this please share with us.

I believe the limit is 3 per figure per household.