Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

I am a little, I will be there the moment it goes on sale, but I am worried about Mattel's site crashing like it does whenever a new MOTUC figure goes up

honestly im thinking the same , acouple thousand people buying one item at the same time. About to just spend the 40 on ebay and call it quits. Id rather not be left sad when i cant buy one or i do and find out there all gone or back ordered.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 7 months ago

I do want it… but I´m afraid that those glasses are the final ones. :s

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago


Has some shots of the 12“ Egon and Ray figures, as well as the 6” Ray with No-Ghost figure.

I'm definitely buying the 6“ versions, but given how long I've been undecided on the 12” ones, and given how expensive they will be, I don't think I'm gonna be picking those up. They just look too… Barbie-ish to me.

I do like the glasses on the 12“ Egon much more than the 6” Egon though.

And I definitely can't wait for the Ray figure… if the placard is correct, we should be getting a new 6“ figure every other month, so Ray might be coming in October (12” Ray comes in September).

by RockThePlank

15 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for the link Doctor Venkman, I've been looking all over my usually places for some GB news. The GB Logo figure is an interesting choice, I hope that red circle with the line is removable. Ray looks real nice. I know they are supposed to be showing the Winston figure at some point during the Con, I wonder when that will be.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago


by ParkBench

15 years, 7 months ago

The figures, at least the 6“, NEED streams to attach like the minimates. Its a must, PLEASE!!!

Cant wait though, but didnt know they were so much smaller than the NECA ones. I'll display Gozer and the dogs seperately.

The 12”, well, prob wont get all, but maybe at least one GB, not sure who though, dont really have a stand out top fav. We'll see.

But still, every OTHER month, little ridiculous. Should be every month because it will take forever to see all the potential figs AND RGB. Guess we'll see. As long as we see a ton of great stuff, I dont care, as long as it all comes out!!!

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

The figures, at least the 6“, NEED streams to attach like the minimates. Its a must, PLEASE!!!

Cant wait though, but didnt know they were so much smaller than the NECA ones. I'll display Gozer and the dogs seperately.

The 12”, well, prob wont get all, but maybe at least one GB, not sure who though, dont really have a stand out top fav. We'll see.

But still, every OTHER month, little ridiculous. Should be every month because it will take forever to see all the potential figs AND RGB. Guess we'll see. As long as we see a ton of great stuff, I dont care, as long as it all comes out!!!

Well the 12“ also come out every other month, alternating with the 6” (at least that's my guess since 12" Ray comes in September).

I am torn on the every other month though. On one hand, it sucks that they're coming out so slow, but on the other, it gives me time to save up for the fact that I want to buy 2 of each.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

like venkman said it is EVERY month, alternating from 6 to 12. Which i think is good spacing since it seems ill be pick up the minimates along the way as well.

by Kingpin

15 years, 7 months ago

DkiD Clue;152282
Which i think is good spacing.

Only if you're picking up the 6 inch figures, the 12 inch figures and the Minimates. Not so good if some people are picking up two or fewer of those particular lines.

by RockThePlank

15 years, 7 months ago

They could be buying more time to try and work will Bill Murray, they would need the extra time to produce the figures themselves. Also, it will probably run like the MOTUC line, in that if it picks up steam, and there is a market for them, then they will up their game. I know that in the begining ToyGuru said something like if the MOTU line did well they would start introducing bonus figures and possibly multiple figures per month, which seems to be happening.

I'll probably pass on the 12“, nothing against them, its just kind of a doll to me with all that cloth. At first I wasn't sure about the No-Ghost Ghost, but I've warmed up to it, as long as that red circle is removable. As much I love these movie figures, I really want to see some RBG stuff. I love what the 4H have done with the ”re-imaging" of the MOTU line, and I'd like to see some of that treatment with the GB.