Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

the 12'' does kinda seem dollish but the trap , positron collider , pke meter and tube all make up for it. Ive been waiting for these for 22 years

by batman2

15 years, 7 months ago

Well I had originally planned to buy only the 12“ models, but after looking at the pictures of them for some reason 50% of me does not like them, so I will only be getting the 6” versions.

Egon looks like he has no neck, the elbow supports look wrong in terms of the material they used and the material jump suit looks weird because the material is too thick due to the scale of the item. Although I like the pack, trap & PKE meter, I don't like the tube going in too the suit seems to thick.

These are just my personal opinions on the 12" models.

by RockThePlank

15 years, 7 months ago

Well I had originally planned to buy only the 12“ models, but after looking at the pictures of them for some reason 50% of me does not like them, so I will only be getting the 6” versions.

Egon looks like he has no neck, the elbow supports look wrong in terms of the material they used and the material jump suit looks weird because the material is too thick due to the scale of the item. Although I like the pack, trap & PKE meter, I don't like the tube going in too the suit seems to thick.

These are just my personal opinions on the 12" models.

I had the same thought about the back tubes as well. 12" is too tall IMHO, tall enough to wear the material but still not a perfect size. The proton pack and that do look cool though. I am dieing to see the Winston figure and to hear some more info about this line. I think the mattel panel is going on right now, so hopefully we should know soon.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

I had the same thought about the back tubes as well. 12" is too tall IMHO, tall enough to wear the material but still not a perfect size. The proton pack and that do look cool though. I am dieing to see the Winston figure and to hear some more info about this line. I think the mattel panel is going on right now, so hopefully we should know soon.

The Mattel MOTU and GB panel is a 1 PM San Diego time, so it will be on around 4 here (for me, EST).

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

wait whats at 4 here?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

DkiD Clue;152295
wait whats at 4 here?

Mattel is having a panel on the MOTU and Ghostbusters lines at SDCC… I think it might there may be a live recap on this site: http://toynewsi.com/sdcc/

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

ur my hero(*peter)

just bought my 6" from


by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

DkiD Clue;152297
ur my hero(*peter)

just bought my 6" from


Wow… very tempting. That's not a bad price. I might buy one from them just in case the online sale on Mattycollector.com is too nuts…

EDIT: Did it. Toyrocket was very trustworthy with my Minimates, so I'll overpay for 1 figure and hope that I can get my others on Mattycollector.com on the 3rd, but this way I'm guaranteed one (and at a pretty good price).

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

same here , i will try to order thru matty . This is my back up plan. Looks like me and you cleared them out since it said they only had two. Cant lose for 40 bucks even!

they also got some preorder stuff id like too , since you recommend i will keep them in mind

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

DkiD Clue;152300
same here , i will try to order thru matty . This is my back up plan. Looks like me and you cleared them out since it said they only had two. Cant lose for 40 bucks even!

they also got some preorder stuff id like too , since you recommend i will keep them in mind

Yea, thanks for posting that link…

And as for ordering directly through their website, I've paid off my Minimates (I ordered the SDCC Venkman/Stay Puft 2 pack, the Ray/Glow Slimer 2 pack, the 1st series boxset, and the 2nd series boxset)… They shipped the 1st series boxset when it came out, and it does not appear as though I will be charged more for shipping when the others come out, which I like. Transaction was very smooth and the shipping process was quick and very well taken care of. They're definitely high on my list of places to check (in fact I've been watching their website for the Egon figure in case he popped up on there, but hadn't found him).

Again, thanks for posting the link, I'm very excited to know I have an Egon figure secured, and at only $10 more than the regular price, much less than anything else on eBay right now.