Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by Sp9543

16 years, 1 month ago

Oh ok, I understand now. Either way I'm going to take the risk. These are toys that I might need two of each of. I know I'm too old to be playing with action figures but…come on, this is just too good to pass up. I am going to be playing with my GB action figures dressed in my flight suit and wearing my officially licensed Master Replica trap and proton pack. Does that make me a fanboy?

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 1 month ago

This is unbelievably awesome!

The key word that makes me even more excited is: “extensive”

"a new collectible line of toys based on the world’s favorite poltergeist fighting team, the Ghostbusters, including an extensive cast of ghosts and ghostbusters"

Does this mean we get Vigo action-figures? Maybe even some Scoleri Bros.? The Boogieman for the RGB line? This could be big! Regardless, I'll just be overjoyed to finally have screen accurate (hopefully 98-100% accurate) figures of the Ghostbusters.

It's kind of a shame that it's taken this long for movie GB figures, but then again, if this was happening 17 years ago, my head probably would've literally exploded.

by ghostbusterman1

16 years, 1 month ago

2009 is truly the year of the Ghostbusters!

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 1 month ago

After reading that… I think I need a cigarette.

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

I know I'm too old to be playing with action figures but…come on

We are never too old for toys and cartoons.

I am going to be playing with my GB action figures dressed in my flight suit and wearing my officially licensed Master Replica trap and proton pack. Does that make me a fanboy?

Yes, it does. But we won't tell.

It may have been posted here and I missed it, but if not, someone on GBFans said that in one to two days time there may be some photos of the prototypes coming out of Toyfair.

by toygeek1

16 years, 1 month ago

they dont make the quantites for the site avalible, they have screwed poeple with lost itms and the usual canceling of purchesings, now i am ordering my jus from them when they are made avalible but im still cautious, also ive heard that items areariving damaged

I agree that the quantities are a bit of a problem, but it's the nature of the beast. What I'm hoping for is for them to start making an announcement once they get down under a certain # of remaining pieces.

I haven't heard anything about canceled purchases, except in the case of them selling out of figures and those that waited too long end up out of luck. If you want to make sure you get the figures, you've gotta order them sooner rather than later…the more you wait, the less likely your chance is. However, they also don't charge your card until they ship. I've made 2 orders from them so far (Lobo and Adam Strange/Starfire), and have been incredibly happy with what I've gotten. My Adam Strange/Starfire came packed in “display” packaging that fits with the regular line for those that keep stuff in the box. That packaging is placed in a white “mailer” box, and then the mailer box was inside another box, that had some packing material, so it was well protected on their end. It's really hard to hold them responsible for things that are damaged in shipment, but how did they handle the problem? Did they ship replacements? Did they tell people that they were out of luck? I've heard a couple people complain, but I've not heard one person say what happened when they contacted Mattel about it.

So far, I've personally been really pleased with Mattycollector.com. And this announcement makes me all kinds of happy. Even back with the NECA figures, there was resistance to the line at the retail level because Ghostbusters hasn't had much new coming out, and the license isn't necessarily seen as “evergreen”. This way makes sure that the figures make it into the hands of people who want them, doesn't cause distribution problems where you're searching all over town for the one figure that's been short-packed into the case, and just generally works better from a “toy collector” perspective. The downside is that you can't see the physical figure that you're buying. But part of the increased price point should be some extra quality control to keep problems from happening.

Can't wait to see what they're doing!

by Nix

16 years, 1 month ago

Please, please, please, oh PLEASE help this action figure customizer and re-release the RGB figures, Mattel!

by Sp9543

16 years, 1 month ago

I agree that the quantities are a bit of a problem, but it's the nature of the beast. What I'm hoping for is for them to start making an announcement once they get down under a certain # of remaining pieces.

I haven't heard anything about canceled purchases, except in the case of them selling out of figures and those that waited too long end up out of luck. If you want to make sure you get the figures, you've gotta order them sooner rather than later…the more you wait, the less likely your chance is.

I don't get it. I understand that they will be limited editions, but it seems like we are talking like they are only going to make 10 of these things. Are people really stiffed on Mattel's exclusives?

Do you have to be a member of Mattel to order these exclusives?

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 1 month ago

Please, please, please, oh PLEASE help this action figure customizer and re-release the RGB figures, Mattel!

Um, Mattel doesn't own the rights to the RGB figures as it's a different company.

by drspengler2

16 years, 1 month ago

I don't get it. I understand that they will be limited editions, but it seems like we are talking like they are only going to make 10 of these things. Are people really stiffed on Mattel's exclusives?

Do you have to be a member of Mattel to order these exclusives?

Well, the new “Skeletor” figure for the He-Man-Toyline was sold out after 11 days.