Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by SlimedMe

13 years, 5 months ago

yeah,if you call them up,they'll tell you it's backordered for 2 or 3 weeks,but if you ask them to guarantee they'll have anymore by then to ship out,they can't….

only 1 guy so far said his order was cancelled without his permission for them to do so…

basically it's gonna come down to 2 things:

either they get some more in from China (wonder if they're over there in the factory again,frantically making another production run of these),and the orders get filled….

or no more are coming,and everyone's orders ger cancelled and money refunded…

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 5 months ago

or no more are coming,and everyone's orders ger cancelled and money refunded…

No one's money has been taken. Mattel only charges once they ship an item. So if you've been charged you should definitely call someone.

by SlimedMe

13 years, 5 months ago

well,i'm not gonna call cause i got mine! but i know some people who's cards were charged, but their status remains at “In Process”….they did call / email,and got the DR response of maybe shipping in 2-3 weeks,maybe not…some of them have elected to cancel their orders,and got the money recredited to their cards….so there are people that were charged,but the item didn't ship yet….

by SlimedMe

13 years, 5 months ago

here's the official response to the SP situation:

Posted August 17, 2011 02:24 PM Hide PostGIRLWONDER..

Due to unforeseen delays in production and shipping, inventory of the Stay Puft item took much longer to arrive in our distribution centers than originally anticipated. Our teams are working hard to fulfill all orders and shipping confirmations will start to go out on Friday or sooner. We understand your frustration and do apologize for the delay.

see.simple. But they should've said this in the first place,rather than keep people in the dark. the whole stuttering response thing is what got people worked up! just say more are on the way and be done with it! Christ!

by Swift_Justice

13 years, 5 months ago

Well I guess I fall under sooner, I got my shipping confirmation finally.

I do agree SlimedMe, they need to keep people up to date even if they can only say something like ‘we have no new information at this time’. It lets people know they are listening.

by louie1

13 years, 5 months ago

Got mine as well this morning.

by metallico33

13 years, 5 months ago

mine has shipped. I think maybe after this years I will not be buying anymore figures maybe Lab coat peter to finish the RTBY guy since Egon it on its way and Dana will be my last.

any other figures coming that are a Must have ?

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 5 months ago

mine has shipped. I think maybe after this years I will not be buying anymore figures maybe Lab coat peter to finish the RTBY guy since Egon it on its way and Dana will be my last.

any other figures coming that are a Must have ?

I thought the rookie was enough of a must have to get the sub

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 5 months ago

mine has shipped. I think maybe after this years I will not be buying anymore figures maybe Lab coat peter to finish the RTBY guy since Egon it on its way and Dana will be my last.

any other figures coming that are a Must have ?

Outside of The Rookie as the exclusive, you've named everything else that's been announced as must haves.

We don't know the figures that are coming after Dana. There's 4 more to come next year.

And I agree with Jay… for me The Rookie is a must have.

by metallico33

13 years, 5 months ago

I dont think the rookie was good enough for me, if it had the upgraded pack then I would have been happy to drop $20 to get the sub, but I will just buy the important character or new figures no more retools. I will be finishing this year figures, Im pretty sure after dana we will se more retools.

they have to finish de MM guys and court room ones, they dropped new figures and im sure they will need to gain a little for the “expensive tooling” of those new figures.