Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by metallico33

13 years, 4 months ago

Amen, brother. All of us have to have the $$ put aside for this epic product. A final price and release date would help, leaving only shipping(& sometimes tax) as the only variable-although I'm only allotting $30 for those.
Anyone at home, Mattel?sad

OK dude we all know you are so hyped for the trap, but every info on the trap is out in the open except the date and we all know that the date will be around late october or november for an xmas kind of gift just like the PKE. So bro chill out a little it'll come, the most reasonable excuse not to set a date is because of production time.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 4 months ago

I don't think he's particularly freaking out. As i mentioned in my earlier post, I'm just curious as to why it's not yet listed on their site when October is a few weeks away. He's only asking the same and in turn, that helps him plan his finances.

My main reason for asking was that it seems a little late for an “official” announcement. Maybe a potential delay?

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

I bet the reason is simply because it's scheduled for late October, and we're barely even half-way through September. I'm sure that by the time the last week of September is here, we'll have a bit more information about the Trap.

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 4 months ago

I recall reading somewhere that the trap will run on 6 AA batteries. Has that been confirmed?

by metallico33

13 years, 4 months ago

mr pecker;172471
I don't think he's particularly freaking out. As i mentioned in my earlier post, I'm just curious as to why it's not yet listed on their site when October is a few weeks away. He's only asking the same and in turn, that helps him plan his finances.

My main reason for asking was that it seems a little late for an “official” announcement. Maybe a potential delay?

Not to start anything negative, but hes been asking about the trap for every post, I am just saying that the trap will come, Mattel is kind of slow on announcing on the Gbs line maybe because is the line that brings less money to them unlike MOTU or the DC line.

Did anyone noticed that Egon still available ?

by batman2

13 years, 4 months ago

I think people will want the Trap for Halloween so they will probably have it up for sale halfway through October like a normal 15th October sale day. Howver they are still so slow any new information.

by RoastedZuul

13 years, 4 months ago

I wish some ghostheads would read the Mattel forums re:Ghostbusters line. I can't bring myself to repeat/quote any of it because it made me so sad. It looks like I'm not the only one who'll soon stop buying Mattel GB product..as they're treating the line like the red-headed stepchild who gets locked in the closet when they displease the “powers that be”. I thought I'd be happy, now that trap sale date has been listed on Matty's site..but Mattel shooting the GB subs in the head just tells meI was right to do an Amityville Horror:
It's just too bad.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 4 months ago

While I understand your disappointment, I think you may be taking it a bit too hard and pointing the blame at Matty when it's really not their fault. They're a business, not a “cater to the GB fans” charity. The line isn't performing as well as they had hoped, so they have to make proper adjustments to protect their profits.

The entire point of the subscriptions is to lock in orders in an advanced fashion so that they can gauge the fan interest. With lots of subscription orders, they then know that they have at least that many figures already sold. The more subsciptions and interest they receive, the more manufacturing costs drop. In the GB line's case, the numbers just weren't there. So to manage with the smaller demand while keeping the figures already planned on track, they had to boost the price a bit.

This isn't Matty screwing the GB line really. It's the GB fans screwing the GB line. I'm actually shocked they continued with the Trap if the line isn't performing like they'd hoped. Looks like 2012 could possibly be the end of the figures at least….

by batman2

13 years, 4 months ago

Sorry but gonna have to disagree with you on that one.

Matty messed up themslves, they take ages to respond to any questions posted by Ghostbusters Fans if they bother at all, however other lines get answered almost instantly.

They keep issueing varaiants to save money, but since your locked into a sub you are forced to buy when you might want to skip.

The Sub exclusive items have been pants from the whiteout Ray figure to next years Rookie.

releases are constantly being put back, items are in need of constant reworks due to being inaccurate like Slimeblower Winston.

If Matty wants anyone to blame they can just look in the mirror.

The only reason they are now keeping the line alive is if a GBIII film see's the light of day they will milk it.

I could go on with all the reasons they screwed the pooch, but I will leave it at that.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 4 months ago

Sure, they had some hiccups. That's common with any business and it's common with their other lines. The fact that they fixed Slimeblower Winston shows at the very least that they were listening and trying.

The bottom line is that this all comes down to profit. With any business in any industry, if there's no profit….you need to cut your loses and move on to greener pastures. The line wasn't getting the level of support it needed, so they're probably going to concentrate on the more popular and profitable lines. Makes perfect sense to me. I would do the same.

I was never a big fan of all the variants anyway, so i'm just happy we were able to get all four guys from both movies. Something I've waited 25 years for. I tip my hat to Matty for giving it an honest shot and the best shot to date. Remember Neca didn't even make it this far…