Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by batman2

13 years, 4 months ago

I believe Necca never had the rights to the likeness of the Ghostbusters.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

It's a shame and it's a complete bummer, as this basically signals the end of the line, but people need to be realistic.

Just because the company has a message board, does not mean they have people who are sitting there just waiting for questions, nor does it mean that they are even allowed to answer certain questions.

It's a toy company people. Let me say that again… it's a TOY COMPANY. They don't owe you anything.

Sales were not good enough. The line is not popular enough to support the amount of tooling that a lot of fans want, which results in variants, in order to make money to have the tooling money for other figures. It's not like we're talking about a a movie that has 50+ characters to be made anyway. These movies center around 4 guys. Those are the most popular characters in the movies.

I still can't believe there are people complaining we didn't get a Mayor Lenny or a Judge Hardemeyer figure. Like… be serious.

Janine, sure we want that one. Dana, on the way. Vigo, on the way. Gozer and the Terror Dogs… already released by another company, but yes they'd be nice.

The fact of the matter is the fan support wasn't there. People like to claim they'd love to have a varied line and get tons of different figures, but they'll only be willing to do it for the prices they think are fair, not what the company needs for profit. And they'll only buy the figures they want, not support the line in full.

Yes, Mattel mismanaged some things in a lot of people's eyes. Those people don't understand that it's a business, plain and simple. The fan base mismanaged the line a lot too, in people not supporting it to the level they should have if they wanted it to continue for a long time. Period.

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

The Mego figures would serve as proof that even for a toy company, Mattel's logic was never completely sound.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

The Mego figures would serve as proof that even for a toy company, Mattel's logic was never completely sound.

They used something that wouldn't have a lot of tooling to see if there was interest in RGB figures. These didn't sell well, and yes, they're very different and not everyone's cup of tea.


The 6“ RGB line would've suffered the same fate as the 6” Movie Masters. After the 4 guys, you just get into variants, and people would bitch and complain and not buy them and the line would ultimately fail.

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

I'm not saying it wouldn't have suffered, but the RGB line was a wasted opportunity. I imagine sculpted figures would've sold better than the Retro line has done.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

I'm not saying it wouldn't have suffered, but the RGB line was a wasted opportunity. I imagine sculpted figures would've sold better than the Retro line has done.

Sold better? Sure. Been more profitable? VERY debatable.

The tooling for each figure would've been extremely costly, as bodies could not be reused, since the characters all looked very different in the cartoons.

If we couldn't get 4 completely new sculpts in the Movie line, I highly doubt we could have in the RGB line.

The fact of the matter is, it's a toyline that isn't popular enough to be purchased in vast quantities in stores or online. That's where the money is made.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 4 months ago

As Doctor Venkman said, this basically signals the end of the line… I don´t see a 2013 schedule of figures, unless there´s a Ghostbusters 3 movie.

I supported the line… by buying every 6“ figure… even that TRU exclusive… but the 12” was too expensive to me, besides, the shipping increases even more the costs.

by VigotheCarpathian

13 years, 4 months ago

the trap goes on sale monday october 17th

by Dr.D

13 years, 4 months ago

To be perfectly honest, I am happy with the line ending. I got the figures I wanted. I saw this as a great privelage as a Ghostbusters fan and loved every figure. Were they all great? No, but I am glad that I finally have movie style Ghostbusters, and pretty decent ones at that.

And I totally agree with you Ben, sculpted figures of the Real Ghostbusters would have been a better plan. Doctor Venkman is right that it would have cost more, but I feel like they sales would have been much higher than the sales of the retro line. Not to mention the larger majority of figures that could have been made with a line based on the animated series.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

And I totally agree with you Ben, sculpted figures of the Real Ghostbusters would have been a better plan. Doctor Venkman is right that it would have cost more, but I feel like they sales would have been much higher than the sales of the retro line. Not to mention the larger majority of figures that could have been made with a line based on the animated series.

Don't get me wrong I'm not denying that the sales would have been WAY better than the Retro Line. And yes, the amount of characters they could have made from RGB is a lot more, but the thing is, none of them look similar. If they can't afford the tooling for more than 2 new figures for the movie line (the rest being variants every year), then they certainly can't afford 7 new RGB figures a year… or even 2 for that matter probably. They say the variants in the movie line pay for the tooling of the other figures. I just don't see where they'd be making enough profit to justify making sculpted RGB figures if the movie line can't even support 2 new figures a year.