Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

Quite a few battery-operated products don't recommend using rechargable, it's probably because rechargables don't hold as good a charge.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 4 months ago

got my Stanz, Egon and Winston today. The four together in their boxes take up a lot of room. I'm going to have to buy a shelf for them.

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 4 months ago

Quite a few battery-operated products don't recommend using rechargable, it's probably because rechargables don't hold as good a charge.

I had a brand new set of four Sony Cycle Energy rechargeable batteries that worked perfect in my trap. These are the Low Self-Discharge type of batteries that will hold close to 90% charge even if left unused for a year or longer. Rechargeable batteries can be just as good as regular alkalines, if not better; you just have to buy a quality brand. I also highly recommend Sanyo Eneloops.

by VigotheCarpathian

13 years, 4 months ago

i use energizer or duracell myself

by OptimusFord

13 years, 4 months ago

I called Matty today because I never got an email about my refund for the new sale but they guy on the phone said it has been refunded and I should check my statement, my statement didn't show anything but my CC is slow so hopefully he is telling the truth. I asked him to send me an email saying that I was going to get the refund. So we'll see, right now Digital River seems worse than a redneck at a flea market selling bootlegged dvds.

I also asked him if they were going to have the 60% off sale and he said he couldn't answer that, so we'll see in two days.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 4 months ago

As I have already made mention to one or two people already, I got my trap on Friday. And it looks absolutely fabulous. Got a bit of a concern though. When the trap doors open up there is a horrific metal grinding noise that gets worse when fresh batteries are put in. Anyone else having this? From what I gather from the few people I have talked to about this already, this isn't normal but a few of them are doing this. I am kinda afraid to use it at the moment until I can talk to with someone with Mattel

by OptimusFord

13 years, 4 months ago

Hopefully we'll see in a few hours the sale go live and they change the price to 60% off!

I wonder if Venkman and Stanz are really “sold out” or if they were just put back into the vault.

by Dmasterman

13 years, 4 months ago

what other figures/props do you think they'll be releasing? (other than the prototypes we've seen)

For props they'll make the ecto goggles.

As for figures:

Louis Tully as a Ghostbuster
Courtroom Ray
Courtroom Egon

Just guesses =p

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

Louis Tully as a Ghostbuster

In a previous Q&A, Mattel has said that they don't have the rights to depict Louis as a Ghostbuster, so that one's very unlikely to appear.

by VigotheCarpathian

13 years, 4 months ago

are they cancelling the ghostbusters line or just the subscription