Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

Vigo the Carpathian;173067
are they cancelling the ghostbusters line or just the subscription

Just the subscription.

The line is also being scaled back, however.

There were supposed to be 7 figures next year (including the subscription exclusive), instead there will now only be 4.

by VigotheCarpathian

13 years, 4 months ago

in that case heres hopin for a proton pack

by OptimusFord

13 years, 4 months ago

from the problems they've had with the trap I'm not sure how much faith I have in matty making a proton pack.

Just ordered from the 60% off sale I got Vinz and Peck and now I only need the GB1 Winston to have the set that I wanted and I ordered my kids for Christmas 6" Venkman w/stream, Egon, Ray and Slime blower Winston.

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 4 months ago

from the problems they've had with the trap I'm not sure how much faith I have in matty making a proton pack.

Whatever problems there may have been with the trap, they couldn't have been that bad. After all, we don't know how many traps were produced, and we're obviously not going to be hearing from all of the people whose traps did work fine(as mine did). How many unique complaints have been posted? I'd be shocked if anyone could point me to 25 or more unique complaints about trap problems.

And as long as Matty continues to have a 30-day return policy, I would love to see a $400-500 proton pack(or cheaper if still done well). When you look at all the little details of a proton pack it does look really difficult to mass produce, but Matty could easily mold a number of the little detailed parts separately to be put together by hand at the factory or at home by the buyers. Even considering the trademarked parts/knobs that would have to be substituted like on the trap, I wouldn't care as long as it retains the essential look, size and design of the packs.

The trap does clearly look and feel like a toy upon close inspection, but with all its functionality and the relatively cheap price of $130, I think Matty found the perfect balance between realism and affordability. I don't see how they couldn't do the same with a proton pack.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

Ignatz Kaspir;173075
Whatever problems there may have been with the trap, they couldn't have been that bad. After all, we don't know how many traps were produced, and we're obviously not going to be hearing from all of the people whose traps did work fine(as mine did). How many unique complaints have been posted? I'd be shocked if anyone could point me to 25 or more unique complaints about trap problems.

And as long as Matty continues to have a 30-day return policy, I would love to see a $400-500 proton pack(or cheaper if still done well). When you look at all the little details of a proton pack it does look really difficult to mass produce, but Matty could easily mold a number of the little detailed parts separately to be put together by hand at the factory or at home by the buyers. Even considering the trademarked parts/knobs that would have to be substituted like on the trap, I wouldn't care as long as it retains the essential look, size and design of the packs.

The trap does clearly look and feel like a toy upon close inspection, but with all its functionality and the relatively cheap price of $130, I think Matty found the perfect balance between realism and affordability. I don't see how they couldn't do the same with a proton pack.

100% This ^!

by mrpecker2

13 years, 4 months ago

While I too would love to see a pack, their next logical move is the goggles. With the line of figures coming to a probable end, I have a hard time seeing them jump into something as large as a pack. Maybe if the third film goes into production but at this point the goggles are less of a financial production risk, yet also have the virtual guarantee of a large profit.

by Dmasterman

13 years, 4 months ago

In a previous Q&A, Mattel has said that they don't have the rights to depict Louis as a Ghostbuster, so that one's very unlikely to appear.

If they had the rights for Rick Moranis's face as Vinz I don't know why they can't do it with him in a GB suit. Maybe it will take time, they probably had to procure the rights to portray the ghostbusters in the GB2 suits (or slime blower renditions) too.

Hell I'd also love to see a Janine Figure

by OptimusFord

13 years, 4 months ago

Well the sale is over where does the Matty Ghostbusters line go from here? I know that they still have some figures coming out but really with only two of the 12“ figures ”selling out" it doesn't look good for this line. Hopefully though GB will get a rebirth with a third movie but I don't know if any of us current GB fans will live to see that day.

by VigotheCarpathian

13 years, 4 months ago

after putting in alkaline batteries my trao works fine hell i dont even have that horrid grinding sound i keep hearing about

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

Well the sale is over where does the Matty Ghostbusters line go from here?

A reduced figure amount and no subscription for 2012 being the most significant factors of the line's near future.

Although we at least have the following to look forward to:

Vigo the Carpathian with lenticular painting backdrop.
“We're ready to believe you” Peter Venkman with the Taxi Ghost
Zuul on plinth.
The Rookie.

As well as a few yet to be announced figures.

I wouldn't use the 12 inch figures as a major basis for the line, due to how expensive they were.

But boy did I reap the benefits of the sale, I placed three separate orders over the course of Halloween evening because of how tempting they were.

I bought a second Walter Peck with Containment Unit, as I'm planning to wire up the Containment Unit so that the lights illuminate.

I then bought three Venkmans with stands and streams to kit out the rest of my figures…

And I finally bought three Slimeblower Winstons so I could have the full compliment of Tripod Traps. Madness!