Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by RoastedZuul

13 years, 4 months ago

Yeah I waited thru the whole trap process. Once the sound effect comes along like something inside is trying to get out it should shake. My brothers trap does it but mine never did. I had new batteries put into it as well. I contacted Mattel and they're trying to see if the boxes were damaged and if they should send someone (courier I assume) to get it. Now I'm wondering if its all worth it? Maybe I'll try again with different batteries.
These are my 3 main /simple trouble-shooting points:
1) use new, ALKALINE batteries. Check that they are snug and springs are straight.
2) Make sure the removable part is in all the way. If you haven't removed it yet, do that and make sure it's in.
3) The cable ends MUST BE FLUSH. Even a millimeter not pushed in can make it run funny. There should be no black showing in between the very end of the cable and the pedal socket.
I hope that helps as I hate for someone to have to go thru the return process, as these traps were murder to get in the first place.

by SlimersPeanut

13 years, 4 months ago

recieved mine today, very pleased with it. didnt have to pay any custom charges

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 4 months ago

got mine, works great!

27 CDN customs fees smile

by GB3

13 years, 4 months ago

RoastedZuul: I tried it again with duracell batteries and it did the shaking. So I've since told Mattel I don't need to send it back to them, thank god. So all's good.
Jay_Tigran: I only paid CDN $20.25 customs fees and that was for two traps. Was yours just for one trap or more?
SlimersPeanut: I really like the ghost trap myself and wished I got the PKE meter last year.

Theres been some talk from fans if mattycollector should go all the way with the proton pack as a prop? I can't ever see that happening. But I wonder if they were to release the proton pack in seperate parts would work? Where we'd have to assemble them. I mean maybe the proton gun stick on its own? Then the backing part after? Would it be cost effective? What else could they do beyond the ecto goggles? I keep thinking about the sniffer and maybe the giego meter (or whatever its called) from GB2 early on. We really didn't see much else for their gadgets and stuff.

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 4 months ago

RoastedZuul: I tried it again with duracell batteries and it did the shaking. So I've since told Mattel I don't need to send it back to them, thank god. So all's good.
Jay_Tigran: I only paid CDN $20.25 customs fees and that was for two traps. Was yours just for one trap or more?
SlimersPeanut: I really like the ghost trap myself and wished I got the PKE meter last year.

Theres been some talk from fans if mattycollector should go all the way with the proton pack as a prop? I can't ever see that happening. But I wonder if they were to release the proton pack in seperate parts would work? Where we'd have to assemble them. I mean maybe the proton gun stick on its own? Then the backing part after? Would it be cost effective? What else could they do beyond the ecto goggles? I keep thinking about the sniffer and maybe the giego meter (or whatever its called) from GB2 early on. We really didn't see much else for their gadgets and stuff.

Just 1 trap & slime blower ray smile

and there are lots of props they COULD do…but the PKE, Trap, Goggles, and Pack would be the most notable as they're the only ones people remember.

Ths sniffer, Giga Meter, etc are more niche objects that the fandom notices more than regular joes

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 4 months ago

and there are lots of props they COULD do…but the PKE, Trap, Goggles, and Pack would be the most notable as they're the only ones people remember.

Ths sniffer, Giga Meter, etc are more niche objects that the fandom notices more than regular joes

Personally, I'm iffy on the Ecto Goggles and a definite no on the sniffer or Giga meter; the former would be tricky to give interesting features(a few blinking display lights while looking through them wouldn't be that exciting), and the latter two had very minor and forgettable appearances in the films.

But c'mon, who wouldn't love to get a proton pack replica? I know I wouldn't hesitate to shell out big money to live my childhood dream of having a proton pack. Considering how quickly the trap sold out and the prices it's currently demanding on eBay, I have no doubt there would be high demand for a well done proton pack by Matty.

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

Ignatz Kaspir;173136
But c'mon, who wouldn't love to get a proton pack replica?

Except in all likelihood there's not going to be a Mattel Proton Pack.

I know I wouldn't hesitate to shell out big money to live my childhood dream of having a proton pack.

You could build one, you'd get such a huge buzz from the knowledge of having had a hand in building a Pack.

As for the Ecto Goggles, if additional features were needed, I'd be happy with them making the lenses light up green when viewed from outside, that's something I felt the screen-used prop should've had.

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 4 months ago

Except in all likelihood there's not going to be a Mattel Proton Pack.

You could build one, you'd get such a huge buzz from the knowledge of having had a hand in building a Pack.

Never say never. A lot of people were surprised they even made the trap, and especially for as cheap as $130. And let's not forget that when Matty had that poll on their forums, the proton pack was an option they proposed.

As for building one, the time, skill, and money required to build a nice one would make it impractical for me, considering the time and money my job and school take up. I could spare ~$500 for one from Matty, but nice built ones easily go for double that on eBay.

by Reapergb

13 years, 4 months ago

Got my trap today and it is awesome!

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 4 months ago

Yesterday I got a notification from the mailman, that a package had arrived for me. I went to my local postal office wondering if it was the Ghost Trap… but for my dissapointment, it was the Ghostbusters Tie from Spencer´s a friend of mine sent to me.

It took too much time!! I want my GHOST TRAP now!!