Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Saw these things in person today… man are they amazing.

I can't wait to buy them all. Good to know about the cloth being the 12“ ones, and the others are scaled up versions of the 6”.

I think, price depending, I may have to buy 2 of each of these.

by gobluemichman

16 years ago

Wow, they are just still so amazing. Heck I like the idea of an Ecto-1 to go along with em! I say put these bad boys in stores and do what DC and Marvel do and do a “Build a figure” and the first set be building Gozer. Heck do six figures. Do the guys and add on Slimer, or you guys pick the last one but that would be sweet!!!!!!!! Okay im getting way….way to excited here…..gotta go costumize my EGB car!!!!

by Dr.D

16 years ago

Ectofiend makes a good point. After two decades of inactivity, a company decides to treat fans to movie style figures. So lets bitch and pick out EVERY FUCKING IMPERFECTION of these ACTION FIGURES! I mean come on, can't you get over yourself. These are not Sideshow figures made to appease only collectors, these are toys. It's really sad to see that you actually took the time to pick the flaws out of the figures to try and reinforce your point that these aren't perfect was just so fucking weak. WE GET IT, YOU LIKE TO BITCH. We can't look at these as museum quality figures, their toys. But now, you get off by picking things apart. Your right, I won't question them, because some company was finally smart enough to make them, I'll be happy for what they are. And you know what, I can sleep knowing the Ecto Goggles are not the right color, or the crank generator is too high. I would honestly like to know what your endgame is? Do you think Mattel look at these and say “oh the clear tubing is wrong, we'd better fix it”, or do you just like being a vindictive prick.

*Sorry to be so harsh…

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

I would honestly like to know what your endgame is?


I mean come on, can't you get over youself.

*But I love meself!!

But now, you get off by picking things apart.

*Oh yeah baby - You know what I like :-)…

Do you think Mattel look at these and say “oh the clear tubing is wrong, we'd better fix it”, or do you just like being a vendictive prick.

*That's "vindictive“ to you sir, not ”vendictive"(*peter)…


by Dr.D

16 years ago

Thank you for proving my point fuck face. Maybe later after your done jerking off with biofreeze you can tell a bunch of little kids Santa doesn't exist. Who are you to tear down what Mattel has done?

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

Thank you for proving my point fuck face.

*What, that you're more of slobbering angry nerd than I am? Mission accomplished

Maybe later after your done jerking off with biofreeze you can tell a bunch of little kids Santa doesn't exist.

*WOW!! Are you like, psychic or something? That was the next thing on my “to do” list!!

Who are you to tear down what Mattel has done?

*I can haz opinion - Welcome to America (*peter)…


by Dr.D

16 years ago

I could never in my wildest dreams be the slobbering nerd you are. Your ability to take what others have created and rip it apart out of some sort of misplaced feeling of obligation to fans is absolutely amazing. Sure you can have an opinion, but there is a difference between opinion and vilification.

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

I could never in my wildest dreams be the slobbering nerd you are.


Your ability to take what others have created and rip it apart out of some sort of misplaced feeling of obligation to fans is absolutely amazing.

*They are a toy company in the business of making money…THAT'S IT…At the end of the day that's all they care about…To treat them as “saviors” is asinine…If it wasn't for SONY seeking out merchandising options to capitalize on GB1's 25th Anniversary - This wouldn't be happening in the first place…It would be a different story if these were “one-of-a-kind” statues made by a fan…

Sure you can have an opinion, but there is a difference between opinion and vilification.

*You act as if I criticize EVERYTHING, for no other reason than to do it…So far it's only been the game , and now the figures…I never said that they were “crap” or whatever - That was you putting words into my mouth…Or at the very least implying that…

*So lemme tell you alittle something about me - If it doesn't mean shit to me - I DON'T BOTHER WITH IT…And I've been a part of the GB online community in one way or another since ‘93, and a GB fan since ’84, so this franchise MUST mean something to me…And being is that it means so much to me, the little imperfections in the new stuff irk me …So naturally I point them out…And what better place to do it than a message board devoted to the very thing I love?

*Wow - Venting on a message board…What a crazy idea…

*So in the end - If I hated GB, and the masterminds who create it - I.WOULDN'T.WASTE.MY.TIME.HERE.OR.POINTING.OUT.FAULTS.IN.IT'S.


by HamSalad

16 years ago

The figures look nice, and the likenesses are decent. The only thing that bugs me is the fact that they appear to be sharing bodies. And the hands are too big. Those aren't deal-breakers though.

If the 6" figures are indeed mattycollector.com exclusives, then I fear they'll be $20 each, just like Matty's exclusive line of Masters of the Universe Classics.

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

Ham Salad
If the 6" figures are indeed mattycollector.com exclusives, then I fear they'll be $20 each, just like Matty's exclusive line of Masters of the Universe Classics.

*WOO HOO!! Back on topic!!

*Anywho - According to this guy over at www.gbfans.com, these are the prices thus far:

7- price, 24 for the 6 inch and 80 to 90 for the 12 inch. comes in special packaged box etc etc

*Rest of his devulging here:
