Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by SpikeGhostHunter

16 years ago

When i saw these figures, i think it was the first time in a few years that i was blown away. I mean, alot figures have came out and i was excited…but when i saw these, it was like someone had just told me the meaning of life!

They look really good,
Its a shame that the 12inch versions are exclusive to the website…i guess ill have to rely on Ebay.
But ill be picking up the 6inchers!!!(Hoping they arent exclusive).

Im a little worried…
Peter isnt there, i really hope Billy Murray didnt turn Mattel down about using his likeness.

by Zombie

16 years ago

The figures look pretty neat, but the ones I am most excited about are the RGB ones. Can't wait to see those.

by Dr.D

16 years ago

Aren't the 6 inchers exclusives too? The sign says they are, I hope it's wrong.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

All of the figures are exclusive to mattycollector.com.

I don't really see the big issue with that either. Yea, it would be fun to walk into a store to buy these, but can't anyone sign up for mattycollector.com? I don't think they have restrictions do they?

by SpikeGhostHunter

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;134626
can't anyone sign up for mattycollector.com? I don't think they have restrictions do they?

Id prefer to buy from a store or Ebay…
A place i buy from all the time, and im comfortable with.

Any word on the Peter figure?
Apparently it was shown with the others…unless thats a mistake.

by rodie1

16 years ago

I think that is a mistake since they were all the same scale. I think some people assumed it was Ray, Peter and Egon, rather than Ray, Ray, and Egon.

by ParkBench

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;134626
All of the figures are exclusive to mattycollector.com.

I don't really see the big issue with that either. Yea, it would be fun to walk into a store to buy these, but can't anyone sign up for mattycollector.com? I don't think they have restrictions do they?

Because people wanna enjoy collecting this line and not have to worry about things such as extra S&H costs. And above all else it being a race against time to get the figures you want like the He-Man line, a figure selling out in 10 or less days leaving so many fans/collectors never having a chance.

Scalpers and other on-line stores etc can buy up to 10 per figure (least for MOTU) per account and they can make multiple accounts and people are stuck to paying up to double or much more on the secondary market. Ebay and scalpers are having a ball with that line. So, I can see why many would not be happy with it for the base of the whole line. These figures will be HUGE sellers, which makes me both excited for its future and worried about it being so hard to collect, unless you have no problem paying out the inflated prices.

by Ectoman57

16 years ago

Because people wanna enjoy collecting this line and not have to worry about things such as extra S&H costs. And above all else it being a race against time to get the figures you want like the He-Man line, a figure selling out in 10 or less days leaving so many fans/collectors never having a chance.

Scalpers and other on-line stores etc can buy up to 10 per figure (least for MOTU) per account and they can make multiple accounts and people are stuck to paying up to double or much more on the secondary market. Ebay and scalpers are having a ball with that line. So, I can see why many would not be happy with it for the base of the whole line. These figures will be HUGE sellers, which makes me both excited for its future and worried about it being so hard to collect, unless you have no problem paying out the inflated prices.

WORD! yep collecters exclusives ruin toy collecting, come on its MATTEL, they could put them in stores easy, the way i feel is that the 12“ should be exclusive and the 6” should be in stores, thats why i rather would have had neca/ mcfarlane make them, they go to comic shops and thats it, BAM I will be buying as much as i can but im hoping for a set of each and maybe an extra venkman. the slimer i could pass on..maybe, Its a good figure but theres just somting about it dont like

by Nix

16 years ago

Here's what makes sense to me:

Mattel is “testing the waters” with this online part. If demand is sufficient, they'll rerelease these figures in stores. The only reason they're doing the online limited editions in the first place is, IMO, because of this damned economy, and the Powers That Be must find Ghostbusters items a risky investment, at least for right now. Perhaps when the Video Game comes out and takes off with the resulting surge in popularity for the GB name (hopefully on the scale of cockroach breeding, but not too likely) then these figures will go into what is known as full-scale mass production.

by RealmMan

16 years ago

This is good collector news. It would be better news if I hadn't gotten downsized Thursday and could frakking afford them, but good news none the less.

And to end the RGB figure debate: Hasbro does own the original molds but not the characters or the likenesses thereof. Look at all the companies that have made Star Trek figures over the years: different companies means different molds. If Mattel does release RGB figs, they'll likely be brand new (hopefully more detailed and accurate) sculpts.