Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years ago

Holy shit!! Just got back home and heard of the news from a friend on the phone. She was right! Amazing looking indeed! And the amount of detail is truely acceptable as far as im concerned lol. Thank god, they finally got the bright idea to make these damn figures! It's a good time to be a Ghosthead that's forsure haha.

by batman2

16 years ago

by Dr.D

16 years ago

I have a friend at NYCC and the Mattel guys told him something that confirms what most of us have thought. Should the figures sell quickly online, they will be mass produce and send them to stores. In addition, the 12“ sculpt is NOT FINAL. Work is still being done of the 12” sculpts.

by metallico33

16 years ago

I found A couple of behind the glass shot of the figures right here at cool toy review.com


found this too at the same place.


by Sp9543

16 years ago

Bring these toys on! If I could just play Monday morning quarterback here, I am almost glad that we didn't get this figures until now. Our favorite franchise hasn't been whored-out over the years like others and due to various factors preventing the release of movie-accurate toys, companies had to step up their games to convince the powers that be. Thus, we are finally getting super quality items.

With that all said, it is kind of weird that I am almost more curious about the new RGB toys. Any one else feel the same?

by metallico33

16 years ago

me to, I'm also thinking about the video game ones.

by Dr.D

16 years ago

I agree. I think alot of us are curious because we are going to see a new version of the line that has represented Ghostbusters for more than 20 years. The movie figures are awesome, but the RGB figures have, in a way a standard to meet. The original line matched the cartoon, at least the sculpts, flawlessly. The equipment was something to be desired however, and the new figures will hopefully fix that.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

me to, I'm also thinking about the video game ones.

Video game figures? They would probably look just like the movie ones, except with maybe the additions to the pack.

I don't recall “video game” figures being announced. Did I miss something?

by metallico33

16 years ago