Who you Gonna Call? Mattycollector.com/Ghostbusters

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Interesting…. I would think it probably just means ghosts, but who knows.

by Sp9543

16 years ago

Considering the video game characters are pretty close to “movie accurate” it seems redundant to make video game figures. Not to mention that the rook is supposed to be you. Making a figure of the rook will personalize him more and I don't think that is the direction the studios are going in. That's why I agree that it probably means ghosts or some other characters.

If these toys sell well, which they will, it would be cool to see some GB in casual clothes. Egon has to come with a twinkie, Ray a beer can, Peter a box of lo mein and Winston a resume.

I am just starting to get worried that Matty Collector is going to sell out and the fans aren't going to get a hold of these.

by batman2

16 years ago

I hope we can buy them in the UK here for a reasonable price, don't want to have to pay expensive shipping costs and import duties.

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Not sure on UK availability, I imagine they'd be bought online like US based customers.

The current game figure discussion has mostly covered a version of the Game Pack. There's also talk about the possibility of a Slime Blower if there's enough demand.

One of the lead designers has been posting over on GBFans, he's asked four questions he'd like people's opinions on, and I encourage you guys to stop by the topic:

GBFans: New Ghostbusters Figures Coming from Mattel in June

He's also answering questions (as many as he can publically answer) about the figures. There was the suggestion that should the series sell out, that might be enough justification for the series to be released in shops. Mattel want this series to be a success.

by Yehome

16 years ago

Money, money, money…

Oh well, as a non-online customer, I hope they'll success so I will probably buy them in a real life shop without crazy shipping prices.

by Dr.D

16 years ago

It would be good for us if the figures sell out. This would/may show that there is a big enough demand to warrant mass producion. The higher prices could also be a marketing technique. If figures that are $20 a piece sell out, then they could afford to sell them for a bit less should said figures end up in stores.

by SpikeGhostHunter

16 years ago

Id hate for the whole line to be sold-out online…and then have Mattel say “We have decided not to re-release the figures in stores…sorry!”.

by metallico33

16 years ago

big question:

Is the shipping gonna be international?

because many times I want to buy something and I can't because the company dont ship international, and I think HERE in Puerto Rico our postal service says USPS, and also our friends in the UK back me up on this.

Ben I cant find the page were they are answering questiosn on gbfans

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Ben I cant find the page were they are answering questiosn on gbfans

It was recently moved because some felt the negative criticism wasn't justified, and response to it got out of hand. I'm told trimmed down version of the topic will be reinstated shortly.

by SpikeGhostHunter

16 years ago

Ben I cant find the page were they are answering questiosn on gbfans
