Now Im confuse :O
Im vs Gozer. I blast her. She disapear. The ‘door’ open. The voice say: ‘Choose the form of the destructor.’ Then nothing. No staypuft.
I get near the temple. Nothing. Just a pretty picture (its sad the screen turn into black in white inside, can only enjoy the color when I stay outside).
Then I realise… Im all ALONE! How can I cross the stream and crush the portal if Im alone????
With nothing more to do, after burning the picture using the ‘beam’, I decide to turn back. The dogs of hell are on me. Now I just killed the keymaster and the gatekeeper. Great, I feel now like the worldsaver without a world to save! Everything look empty now. Nothing to do outside, nothing to do inside. And still no staypuft to *eat* (heat, if you prefer).
Is there something wrong with the game at this point? Is it a incomplete level?
I have this suggestion to make. I dint try any editor so I dont know if its possible to do it. When you start the level, from the stairs, give a view of one man and woman (gatekeeper and keymaster), front of the gate, with some lightning blasting them. Make them turn into the dogs of hell. The gate now open. The dogs take their place near the temple where Gozer stand.
Now let the player have control of his character but disactivate the shooting option. When the player enter the gate and get close to gozer, play a sound of the movie where they say ‘Its a girl’ - ‘it take the form it want’ (something like that). When the player get closer, play the sound ‘Are you a God?’. If the player walk forward, make Gozer say ‘Perish’ and make her throw a ‘pushing blast’. If its possible, it'll be fun to have the need to *run* forward to not fall over the edge.
Give back the shooting option. Let the player shoot gozer like in gbdoom and keep the sound ‘choose the form of the destructor’. Play the sound of staypuft walking. Now make the player rush outside, like in level01 of the library but a little bit slower. Now they have to avoid the hands of staypuft if they want to blast him in the face (I think this is already made, i dunno cose I never saw staypuft)
When the player win, staypuft try to get the player with his burning hands. The player need to rush into the gate, near the temple, if he dont want to be burned to dead. Now the player need to shoot the gate, if there's no other player, a comp will join the player. The comp will take position on a side and blast the temple. The player now cross the streams with the comp (or other player) and its up to you to do the end of the game.
Hoping this will interest some people(even if I know everyone like to say *its a bad idea) I say: later!