Who's going to Camp FEMA?

by Brendan_M

14 years, 1 month ago

“face the certain prospect of death and destruction.” Noam Chomsky

I know my post about the Illuminati in Ghostbusters was met with some skepticism, however, with this post there's not of actually proof to back this thread up. I not sure if many people know this, there are literally hundreds prison camps in the United States, some in Canada and a couple overseas. The frightening thing about these camps are that they are all fully operational and ready to receive “prisoners”.

From some of the people I saw give interviews either on youtube or through print interviews, it looks/sounds as if these camps are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards. The part that blows my mind is that the the camps are all empty.

The camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented. I know this is a lot to take in, and to those who don't believe that the American constitution could be suspended, you should watch this clip, or skip 49 seconds into it to get to the goods:


From my understanding to get this all started, it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant, followed by list of names, who are viewed as “threats,” i.e. Ron Paul Supporters.

According to the people who've reported these camps say the largest is just on the outskirts of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.

Did anyone else hear about these camps or is just me?

On a side note, I found this video clip today, displaying other fantastic humanitarian skills that FEMA has displayed in the past:


However, it's the Mainstream Media spinning the story, so I take it with a grain of salt, I'm sure there are far worse stories than this that's being hidden.

Doesn't this just make your blood boil?