Who's up for nominating some new moderators?

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

Forget about it. I've seen the way democracy works here. Chad doesn't want it to happen so it won't. I never expected it to anyway, what with this place's reputation for poll tampering.

by Zedd

21 years, 2 months ago

Wow Brian thanks! I'm totally shocked, I didn't even realize people knew who I was!
Thank you Brian

by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

I second that motion. I throw nominations to the following people:
Lord Vego: Ghostbusters Guru/Misc. Guy
Brian Reilly: Ghostbusters Guru/Misc. Guy
Dan Evans: Misc. Guy
Johnny Sparks: Ghostbusters Guru/Misc. Guy
Mr. No-Ghost: Misc. Guy
Zedd: Ghostbusters Guru/Misc. Guy

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

EDITed Version
I 3rd it!

Thanks Brian and CJ! This being a good oppourtunity to nominate, I nominate:

Ghostbusters Gurus: Brian Reilly, Johnny Sparks, Zedd

Misc Guy: Mr. No-Ghost, Dan Evans

There is no other places they could go..in my mind

by dantheman1

21 years, 2 months ago

I um… fourth?… it.

Not only should we elect new ones, but we should have a certain length of time that mods should be in action before we vote new ones in (or if they did a good job, re-elect previous mods). Like once or twice a year.

I'd have to agree with the nominations so far. (^_^)

by DocFritz

21 years, 2 months ago

I just want to remind you all of one thing that hasn't come up yet: there are no “Global” Moderators at this board other than the Senior Mods/Administrators.

The groups are as follows…

Ghostbuster Gurus
The General, Comic Book, and GBIII forums

Fan Project Consultants
Fan Projects, Marketplace, and Websites

Misc. Guys

Paranormal Professors


And all have Mod powers in the Board Talk Forum.

The Fan Project Consultants and Paranormal Professors have not had any losses since they were voted in (though it got very close yesterday with Chris Spade); the Misc Guys and Ghostbuster Gurus are where the losses have been.

I would recommend that, just as in the initial nominating, you specify which of the two positions you are nominating the person for. In the hope that Chad will allow this effort to go forward, this will create a clearer, more credible result.

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

Thanks Fritz, I forgot about that part! :-)

I modified my first post to include the position, and I suggest everyone else who's already posted do the same!

by sinister1

21 years, 2 months ago

As long as it's done correctly yes. I'll give it my full and total support.


21 years, 2 months ago

i have no problem with that , not so sure about the having to vote again twice a year , seems alittle unnecessary to me , as most of the mods are doing a good job and there really is no point to picking new ones every 6 months . unless ofcourse their actions warrant replacement or they quit , but we have lost alot of mods so restaffing what we've lost sounds good to me . lets see what everyone else has to say

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 2 months ago

Well, I agree that perhaps a change in mods is needed. And with that said, I would like to…what is it 5th the motion set-up by Brian. All would make great mods.
