Who's up for nominating some new moderators?


21 years, 2 months ago

it's not so much a change in mods , it's adding more to replace the ones that are gone now . change of mods sounds like you're trying to get rid of all the current mods and pick all new ones

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 2 months ago

I think the mods we have now is just fine, no need for anymore, we actually dont have enough to do as is, so new mods would be a waste, we recently just got Vincent back so were doing great, but thanks for the concern brian.


21 years, 2 months ago

actually shadow is right , as far as the misc guys go anyway , there hasn't been alot to do lately , misc wise it would be added weight , as far as the standings of other sections i don't know

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

I think the mods we have now is just fine, no need for anymore, we actually dont have enough to do as is, so new mods would be a waste, we recently just got Vincent back so were doing great, but thanks for the concern brian.

I second that. Furthermore, there are no mod positions open, as Chris Spade has retained his. Unless someone is demodded there will be no further mod positions open, and even then, it is up to the mods, as this is a representative democracy and the mods' vote determines such things, as well as banning, board changes, etc.

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 2 months ago

Regardless, if the idea has been brought up by a member of the community, and enough people respond to/vote for/see this thread, then it should become an actual issue. The opinions of two mods (Please Take No Offense Shadow and Bondo) and you Chad, do not count for the rest of this board. Take into considerations this thread, it may not be the right decsion, but it is not for 3 people to decide.


by JohnnySparks

21 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the nominations, but I would not be interested in the position in the first place. I like being a renegade Gb Fan with no past and long stretch of road ahead of me. I also voted for no, I beleive that the current mods are doing just fine with how many there are now. I think those are great choices for future mod voting sessions. But right now, I say we wait til one bites the dust.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

I didnt really vote, because Im up for what the people want. If you guys want to have more mods, then so be it, its your guy's decision. Honestly, in my own recent experiences (note I am not trying to persuade you not to do this, or to do it) that with all of the mods we have right now, there is nothing to do except look for trouble. Or to start it. As much as I would love to see some different opinions around, you have to consider also, do you want more hasseling? Because if we add to the mods, there will be less for the mods to do, thus adding to the strain of boredom. Then the mods will go “hunting” if you will. Again, it is the group consensus, and if it is what you guys want, Im all for it. Chris Spade is the people's voice. What you want, I will fight for. Thank you, and good night.

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

i see all these people voting and such ..yet none of them give reasoning. i ask that people give reasoning, even a little, as to why they voted yes or no

by d_osborn

21 years, 2 months ago

i voted yes… … if a mod HAS left or been ousted, that mod should be replaced. however, i don't exactly pay attention to who is a mod and who isn't, so i don't know if there are any open spaces….. also, i'm sure my decision was swayed by my high fever…. damn.

by river_of_slime

21 years, 2 months ago

Damn people im working on my new site Save Ecto-1A and you all IM me about this. First off we dont need new mods we have enough of them, second everything is calming down again. I feel like Gray Davis like im getting recalled from my postion that you people voted me for and im doing my job. All you guys and grils are power hungry people, let me tell its hard work being a mod even thou it doesnt look we do alot trust me we do a lot of stuff you all dont know about. So im going to vote no