Who's up for nominating some new moderators?

by DocFritz

21 years, 2 months ago

This is the raw data: Since September 15, when a total of 32 Moderator slots were voted into office, a total of seven have been opened through either quitting or banning.

Ghostbusters Gurus
Originally Elected: 10
Currently Active: 8
Daryl Scoleri
Doc Fritz
Dr. Riddle
River of Slimer

Misc Guys
Originally Elected: 13
Currently Active: 8
Bluto Blutarsky
Evil Toaster
Master Spider
Shadow weaveR

Fan Project Consultants
Originally Elected: 6. All are still active
Chris Spade
Doc Fritz
Jay Tigran
Master Spider
Vincent Belmont

Paranormal Professors
Originally Elected: 3. All are still active
Dr. Kyle Stevens
Shadow weaveR

So theoretically, to be at the same raw Mod capacity as on September 15, we'd need two Gurus and Five Misc Guys.

Now, before you take this as advocacy, it's not intended as such–merely a statement of fact. And remember that since then three of the remaining Gurus–Zack, Texasgb, and Jesusfreak–have become Senior Mods, and have powers over all forums.

I agree that Modding isn't Fun, and that it's probably not coincidence that this is happening now, after the events of the last few days.

I'm fine either way. If the users want more Mods, let's vote for more Mods. If they don't, we don't need to. It's that simple.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

Wow, was that a plug? haha. I really dont think we should be voting in this my fellow modders. I mean, did the President vote for himself? (he could have, but i dont think its right) I think we should sit back and watch. Let the chips fall where they may.

haha fritz, you posted before me, so now i gotta agree. Everything Fritz said is true, mod is no fun, its a responsibility. And some people (me for instance) crack under pressure. Now, I'm not saying that those nominated cannot handle it, I think Brian would be an excellent moderator. He has many many valid points, and makes alot of sense. He has a talent for making people listen to his words, and really think about what he says. That is something we need. So, if there is by chance a new mod vote, he has mine.

by gbmasterman

21 years, 2 months ago

I voted yes because the mods who have left/have been ousted should be replaced.

If anyone ever nominates me for a mod I'd do best in the misc section :-) . I would do my job fairly and listen to what people want and would most certainly write at least one sentance as to why I locked a post.

We at least should replace the five inactive mods from the misc section.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

aw man, ya need more then that! Here, consider this Mod boot camp:

Wake up, check the site to see if someone didnt spout something off late into the night that you and the others missed, get rid of the problem before it gets outta hand…

Listen to a few PMs regarding complaints, deal with the problem, whether you gotta be the “bad” guy or not. Judge it the best you can.

Scour the section you are modding (in my case 3 areas) make sure no one got outta hand, deal with the prob.

Take the various insults thrown at you, for the actions of the group, dont take anything personally.

DONT GET INVOLVED BETWEEN A FIGHT BETWEEN TWO MEMBERS, just stop the fight, dont take sides.

Sometimes it isnt all about listening, but the listening makes it good. wow, i should try typing this up later, its late and im mumbling……

by gbmasterman

21 years, 2 months ago

Ya what Chris said :-) ( ya could have PM'ed me that ) lol anyway I will do what Chris just said if nominated then elected. (If we ever replace those mod's that we lost.)

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 2 months ago

lol, I love how people are giving a campain speach, look the fact remains that we at this time dont need any new mods we are by no means overwealmed but if for some reason we do which I doubt we will ask for a couple new mods maybe.

by gbmasterman

21 years, 2 months ago

At least look at the fact that we have 5 inactive mods for the misc section.
I just thought I would get an early start on it in case we were to elect replacement mods

by DocRyedale

21 years, 2 months ago

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 2 months ago

like bondo and me already said though, the misc section had been quite and theres really not alot for us to do there anyways as it is.

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 2 months ago

Well, I'm going to have to say that, I agree with Shadow…the current team of moderators are fine where they stand. Right now, there really isn't a need for a change in staff. I'm flattered that I was nominated twice before there was even a call for an addition of new moderators. If in the future there comes a time for when GBC needs assistance in the administration, then I accept the position. Being a mod means being an advocate for the law. I'm no stranger to controversy and fairness and I understand the stress that comes with the job. But, knowing that the mods are not alone and stand as one and they work together to keep the peace, then that is all the initiative I need. Peace, brothas'.