Who's up for nominating some new moderators?

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 2 months ago

although if Mr_No_Ghost was alloud to join up as a Mod that would be fin with me, I think this member has shown great strength in this community, infact when we were considering getting a new mod a month or so back when things were a little harsh on the boards Mr_No_Ghost was th first member mentioned to fill the spot.

by Zedd

21 years, 2 months ago

I think the “no's” have it but I just wanted to add my two cents in…that was very nice of those members to think of me and to want to bestow a challenge like that on me and I thank you very much for having me in your thoughts. I'm with the rest of the people that are sitting on the fence. Whatever the majority wants is what should happen I guess. I do want to point out though that whether you disagree with Brian or not he brought this up in a very civilized manner. I don't think he whined at all and I think if issues are to be brought infront of mods and the rest of the community it should be done in such a fashion.


by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

Right now, there really isn't a need for a change in staff.

Okay, this has gotten a little out of hand, because suddenly I'm getting a ton of IMs from people pissed off that I want to get rid of all the current mods. I never said that, or wanted it. I just believe the empty positions should be filled.

like bondo and me already said though, the misc section had been quite and theres really not alot for us to do there anyways as it is.

Isn't that a good thing though? I mean, if you look at this statement which has been expresed by numerous moderators:

I agree that Modding isn't Fun

Then I have to draw the conclusion that most mods dislike modding, and are complaining that there isn't enough mod work to do…That, kind of, makes sense. It also occurs to me that most of the people voting no are currently mods.

But anyways, as for this:

it's probably not coincidence that this is happening now, after the events of the last few days.

You're right, it isn't. When Chris jumped ship it was brought to my attention the number of mods who had left. Whether Chris is back or not, there's still seven empty mod positions.

So let me ask all you something; If a member of your government resigns or is ousted, do you not find someone to replace him?

by gbmasterman

21 years, 2 months ago

It's a good point briean but maybe we had to many people elected as mods in the first place. So if Shadow and Doc feel that there isn't enought stuff to do for them then what's the need for anymore.

I do think though that maybe every eight months or so we should have re-elections so that we can choose if we need new mods or re-elect some of the ones that were already there. Every eight months shouldn't be that hard to do. I'm not talking about changing the Admin. just the mod's.

I don't think that Fritze ment that he was overwelmed or bothered with it, he was just saying that it is hard work.

Dr. Riddle Wrote:
Didn't Chad say on GBN that those who ask to become mods won't become mods? And didn't he say that nominating them without his asking wasn't allowed either? I'm just curious. I seem to remember this happening on GBN with Vego and Kingdom_Hearts.

I wasn't trying to nominate myself, though now that I think about it that does look like that was what I was trying to do :p :p Sorry (;_

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 2 months ago

I'd like to quote Bill Murray: “Sometimes, shit happens, no body wants to deal with it, and who you gonna call?”

Well, the thing is, since the mods aren't saying they need help and Chad isn't hard pressed on changing anything that ain't broke, then that means shit hasn't happened. And there's no point now in “calling” anyone for help. So,…you know what I mean? Things are cool, dawg.

by gbmasterman

21 years, 2 months ago

Call JL5-MODS :-)

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 2 months ago

Zack, you're gonna send me to an early grave! :-) I'll die laughing! :-)

by sinister1

21 years, 2 months ago

there are..some things on this board that go WAY beyond human understanding, things that cannot be explained, things that most people don't wanna know about…that is where we come in. :-)



by texasgb1

21 years, 2 months ago

I think that the team is doing well but if particular mod get out of line that does not signify a new election. Perhpas the position could be filled by having an election for that particular job but not for the whole crew.


by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 2 months ago

I think that the team is doing well but if particular mod get out of line that does not signify a new election. Perhpas the position could be filled by having an election for that particular job but not for the whole crew.


Brian never said anything about replacing everyone, just filling the positions of those who have been ousted or gave up thier positions.

Anyway, I think right now that we don't really need anymore mods as of right now. But if and when we need more help, then I'd be up for electing a few new mods.