Who's up for nominating some new moderators?

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

That in mind, Tex, would you mind me creating a whole new post about maybe a certain section?

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 2 months ago

why? I think we already made out point in this thread.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

I second that. Furthermore, there are no mod positions open, as Chris Spade has retained his. Unless someone is demodded there will be no further mod positions open, and even then, it is up to the mods, as this is a representative democracy and the mods' vote determines such things, as well as banning, board changes, etc.

Some democracy.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

I think that the team is doing well but if particular mod get out of line that does not signify a new election. Perhpas the position could be filled by having an election for that particular job but not for the whole crew.


Im sorry, is that referring to me? Because I didnt get out of line. I personally dont think the mods shoulda voted. We should have let the people pick. But the nos have it, so i guess thats the decision.

by texasgb1

21 years, 2 months ago

My friend,

I was just stating my position reguarding this issue. It was not in response to anything you said.


by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

The problem is, the vast majority of mods voted, while a small minority of the people voted.

And since someone started the rumour that I'm trying to get all the mods replaced, of course most of the mods voted no.


It sort of shows that we may need to replace them all if the majority of mods here can't even be bothered to read a post before they reply though…

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

Brian my man, you need to make these words huge, and colorful, too bad i duno how to add color.,… no one reads small bold fonts lol.


Also, i see what he means. And agree, like, it would be good to have more objective mods, it would make certain issues alot more fair, instead of a group concensus all at once. Hes not saying, we need more for the sake of needing more. He is saying, have more mods, so that when an issue arrises, it can be debated fairly, and settled. Instead of the issues that made me quit in the first place. I totally agree with Brian now, after reviewing all this.

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

Thanks Chris.

Now, I wish to acknowledge the mods who actually read the thread and made worthwile comments:

-Fritz (Baugh)
-Matthew (Riddle)
-Ben (Kingpin)
-Chris (Spade)
-Shadow (Weaver)
-Iain (Sinister)

To the rest of you, you've got me posting about you on NS again! Congrats!

And you know, you mods voting no should all get together and get your stories straight with Chad before you start posting.

I mean in recent memory we have these quotes about Bo and PC:

We have tried to be as accommodating as we could…

…it is not a secret that I haven't done anything to appease you

And we've got you complaining about how rough being a mod is, and screaming at me for wanting to replace you (which, again, I didn't want), and then saying you're having trouble with keeping religious topics in check and sorting them from spam, and then saying there's too many of you.

The we have Chad speaking about democracy:

This is a democratic based community

the mods' vote determines , as well as as banning, board changes, etc.

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 2 months ago

So what you're sayin is that the people are bein cross faced
I got ya.



21 years, 2 months ago

hey , i read what you said , but after thinking it over we really don't need any more mods . a car gets along fine on four wheels , why add a 5'th ? there just isn't any need , we just voted for too many in the first place . before there was the original mod vote there was only a handfull of mods , maybe 5 or 6 and we modded the entire board , all the forums . and even with that few mods the job wasn't very hard . don't confuse what i'm saying as me not liking your proposal , or me being adverse to new people . but there simply is no need . i'd love to see mr no ghost as a mod . there just isn't enough to do around here . and as far as all the mods posting on this thread , who better to let you know if help is needed in the first place ? this is a well thought out and constructive thread , and without knowing what the mods think you had no way of knowing that we don't need more help . if you come up with any other good ideas please feel free to let us know