Why Activision Dropped Ghostbusters.

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

I mean, obviously ANY company is around for the business of making money, but I do think Activision is over saturating the market to where many of these once relevant franchises are diluted. Happened to Tony Hawk, Spider-Man, likely to Guitar Hero. There comes a point where one just has to wonder if producing a quality game is even a factor anymore? In this case, likely not.

Meh, I used to work in the gaming biz at one point. I've seen some great franchises go by the wayside due to milking a product to death.

That said, and the most important point is that Atari seems to have picked it up, so all is not lost. But I'd love to see at least ONE Ghostbusters product released without drama.

by rodie1

16 years, 4 months ago

But I'd love to see at least ONE Ghostbusters product released without drama.

QFT. Seriously.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

But I'd love to see at least ONE Ghostbusters product released without drama.

“The Other Side”? “Ghost Busted” (the manga)? Don't these count?

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

Fair enough on those two. I just wish, well, pretty much any of the other products could have fared as easily.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

Fair enough on those two. I just wish, well, pretty much any of the other products could have fared as easily.

Oh, I agree whole heartedly. It's a dramatic franchise for being a comedy, lol.

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

You, sir, win with that inspired quote.

Well, that made this thread….

by ScottSommer

16 years, 4 months ago

It is a shame how most of these companies behave in terms f the gaming franchise. They know games are lucrative, but instead of trying to produce good games, they instead mediocre or worse and expect it to sell millions? Yeah like 50 cent will make more than $100 million in sales. Pffht, I wouldn't even pay 50 cents to play that game.

Like Yahtzee said one time, “The only way you are going to make me play this game is if you throw in a very good game with it…..and some cake…..and Belgium.”

Anyway, not all companies are like EA and Activision here. Some actually care more about the fans than they do the money. Bungie, Lionhead, Monolith, Remedy and Rockstar (I am not quite sure if these guys are same or one owns the other, but I know they make a lot of games together,) and a few others.

I know they don't always make great games, but they have the heart enough to try and make it great. Those game companies above have even admitted their faults from previous installments and tried to make up for it which I think is what a game company should behave like.

You might make millions of dollars, but is money truly worth being called “scum” like Activision and EA got from fans? To me, money is not as good as popularity.

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of “quantity over quality”.

I know I made a knee jerk reaction in the past about not wanting to support Activision over the Ghostbusters debacle, but it's also the factors of the above philosophy, as well as leaving beloved Sierra franchises like King's Quest, Space Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry in an unwanted limbo that helped me come to that personal conclusion.

Just not crazy how Activision is doing business overall, so I'm just “meh” on giving then future money to them right now. Maybe they'll straighten up one day. We'll talk then.

by PhilHos

16 years, 4 months ago

Scott Sommer;130987
Anyway, not all companies are like EA and Activision here.

EA doesn't belong in the same sentence with Activision, at least not completely. EA will take chances on new IP. Look at Dead Space. Yes, EA also pushes out once a year titles, but they also push out new stuff as well.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

EA doesn't belong in the same sentence with Activision, at least not completely. EA will take chances on new IP. Look at Dead Space. Yes, EA also pushes out once a year titles, but they also push out new stuff as well.

This, EA does have its problems *cough*SecuRom*cough* and such, but at least they're willing to try new IPs unlike a certain company who should never be named again.