Scott Sommer;130987There are a ton of games I see on the shelves and wonder “WHY?!”
They know games are lucrative, but instead of trying to produce good games, they instead mediocre or worse and expect it to sell millions.
16 years, 3 months ago
Scott Sommer;130987There are a ton of games I see on the shelves and wonder “WHY?!”
They know games are lucrative, but instead of trying to produce good games, they instead mediocre or worse and expect it to sell millions.
16 years, 3 months ago
There are a ton of games I see on the shelves and wonder “WHY?!”
16 years, 3 months ago
EA doesn't belong in the same sentence with Activision, at least not completely. EA will take chances on new IP. Look at Dead Space. Yes, EA also pushes out once a year titles, but they also push out new stuff as well.