Why did the ecto and ecto 1a have differant names

by creed

22 years, 11 months ago

they were the same car werent they or am i horribly wrong smile

by SavannahGB

22 years, 11 months ago

Well i would tell you but this is Back's sort of question. Back…if you would please….*waves hand for back to come foward*..

by SlimeLord

22 years, 11 months ago

Maybe the A stands for Advanced? After all, the Ecto-1A was a major upgrade to the Ecto-1.

by TheEcto1a

22 years, 11 months ago

There was supposed to be a scene in GB2 that had both cars parked next to each other in the firehouse.. The Ecto-1 and the Ecto-1a were initially supposed to be 2 different cars. Since that scene was cut, its logical to assume that they were the same car.. But they had to use different license plates on the 2 cars because they were different cars.. smile

As a side note, they went with “Ecto-1a” in the second movie according to rumors and legend because at that time, there had already been an “Ecto-2” in one of the Cartoon GB episodes. (I dont know how accurate that is, but that's what I've heard)


by d_osborn

22 years, 11 months ago

back, what else do you know about that scene? was it filmed? any pics of it? where was it supposed to be in the film?


by Volguus

22 years, 11 months ago

Hmm, I like all those answers, especially the “A” for “Advanced.”

The influence of RGB on GB2 was evident in the Ugly Little Spud's name change from “Onionhead” to “Slimer.” And if memory serves, there was indeed an Ecto-2 in RGB, a gyro-copter type of thing. So maybe that was the case as well.

- K -

by ECTOI@aol.com

22 years, 11 months ago

In GB2 there were susposed to be 2 cars at one point The ECTO 1A and the ECTO 2.
The 1A being a major upgrade of the ECTO 1 hense the 1A designation.
The 1A and the 2 were susposed to be identical in design. so they could use the same car for all shots.
If you look closely when the Ectomobile pulls up as Venkman is about to hail a cab you will see, if you freeze frame the DVD and have a really good clear TV, the License Plate reads ECTO 2


22 years, 11 months ago

whoa! COOL!

by d_osborn

22 years, 11 months ago

THAT IS AMAZING!!! i have NEVER noticed that! WOW! how did you know that joseph? is it something you just caught? so were there two cars, or just two license plates? that's so sweet! why did the ghostbusters have two cars, though?

by Kingpin

22 years, 11 months ago

This could be a long shot, but maybe they decided that calling it the ecto1 when it was updated meant that only the outside was new.(like when they named the second Enterprise in Star Trek 1701-A instead of 1701.

I may be wrong.

(most probably)