Why do you think Ghostbusters 3 should be made?

by sinister1

18 years, 9 months ago

On suggestion of Fusi0n, this thread will remain a sticky and is a place for all ghostheads to discuss why THEY think Ghostbusters 3 should be made.

Any new thread made based on this premise will be locked.

Enjoy the discussion.

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

In some ways I hope it'd be made for a bit of closure (But given a decent treatment).

If a third film were made… it could finally give people what they want and put their unease finally to rest.

by xander

18 years, 9 months ago

I think GB3 should be made for the fact that it’s a big money maker. The studios would have to be idiots not to make it. It would be a box office smash because there are so many fans of the film.

by drraystanz

18 years, 9 months ago

In some ways I hope it'd be made for a bit of closure (But given a decent treatment).

If a third film were made… it could finally give people what they want and put their unease finally to rest.

Exactly…honestly I can't be sure I'll ever feel like Ghostbusters is DONE until I see a third movie. Something to make up for the dislike EGB has put into most people. Many dont want to see the Ghostbusters end like that. And though I love EGB…I feel I need a third movie to finally let go. I really think that at the end of a third film I;d have to just sit in theatres and give a sigh of satisfaction…it's like having sex for the first time. You wait for it for YEARS and when it happens (if you've never even touched yourself for you religeuos types) it's all you ever thought it would be and more.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 9 months ago

On suggestion of Fusi0n, this thread will remain a sticky and is a place for all ghostheads to discuss why THEY think Ghostbusters 3 should be made.

Any new thread made based on this premise will be locked.

Enjoy the discussion.
Shucks, I feel honoured, thanks!

I think a third should be made to:
1) Shut the critics and bashers up who blasted GB2 for being too ‘samey’ and EGB (which I liked)
2) Finalise a great series, and potentially expand it.
3) To show that this franchise still has a great loyal fanbase AND the legs to hold its own with the current field/trend of movies. A TRUE comedy! (Heck, the first STILL is recognised as one of the all time greatest!)

Okay I'm done. :p

by xander

18 years, 9 months ago

Well said fusi0n (*peter)

by Sharon_Dead

18 years, 8 months ago

Ghostbusters 3 should be made, because Ghostbusters kick ass!
Fans would be satisfied and it would make lots of money. That's something that's worth of making. There's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be made.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 8 months ago

Why should it be made?

Severe lackage of good horror/comedy movies. They used to be a dime a dozen in the 80's. The latest we had was “Shaun Of The Dead” or “Hostel” if you're a fan of those Japanese “Guinea Pig” films.

by newrecruit1

18 years, 6 months ago

Because Ghostbusters has the potential of turning into a cult movie, because of its subject that touch us all: the spirit world and the meaning of life.

It touch us all because we all beleive in something; that's why there's so many religions and why people enter their circle. We are all in quest for the truth.

Ghostbusters must be a nuance of it or something who refers himself to it… in a spiritual way of speaking.

Ghostbusters cannot rest with the image it carries of a simple weird company paid to catch ghost, when the script admit that some ghost can be the soul of one dead person.

And why the world of the living was gived the Ghostbusters ? Not for nothing, that's a fact. There's always a balance in the world between the good and the bad. If they were still there after GB1 and 2, then it's for a holy reason; something bad is goin to happen and they are there to make the wrong things right, once and for all.

That's why I always say that, if there's goin to be a GB3, it need to be the last. It need to carry a logical reason behind the purpose of having the GB in our world and that reason must cease with the need of having that company in our town. The spirit world need to rest and the world of the living needs to live.

by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

ouais on a besoin de S.O.S. Fantômes là… :p