Why do you think Ghostbusters 3 should be made?

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

You can thank Linda Hamilton for the atrocity that was T3.

And I never liked EGB, but the main theme is kinda cool.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 9 months ago

No one can replace the fab 4

Well you can “replace” them in one way only:

-keep the original actors in the background; each one in a GBHQ, training new members.

-One scene or two where they follow their team in action.

-From the middle of the movie, the scenario concentrate on the activity of the new members. Some short scenes where they study all together.

But the less blabla in the third movie the better.

by KentTrafficCop

17 years, 9 months ago

If the above happens - I will fly out to NY and burn down the fire house.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

We must face the facts. The only way we'd get the originals back is if another film is made soon. If they were to resurge the Ghostbusters a few years from now, we'd have no choice but to replace the originals.

by Kojak

16 years, 12 months ago

I guess there is still a slim chance if the game becomes very successful.
Hopefully the third movie would be as gritty, spooky, as the first movie, and hopefully have no hip hop music.


by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 11 months ago

Well, I think that the 3rd movie has to be made cause it´s such a great franchise… with a lot of fans worldwide… and cause I feel incompleted the story behind the scientists who were ride off the campus and became ghosts catchers… I feel an emptyness at the end of both movies… we need something to close the circle, but at the same time, open a door for upcoming comics, tv series, another videogame… lot of things that could happen and the old and new fans will love… and Dan knows it.
The age of the “fab 4” (and I´m not talking about the Beatles) is the problem here… and Murray is who you see more out of the cast (watch Ghostbusters and then Broken Flowers… damn!! time has no mercy!!!)… Dan and Harold are ok… but Ernie, dude… he´s the man, he´s on the 60s and looks better than anyone else. I think the “training noobs” theme just fix well here… but with the original four in action with them… the movie needs the support of having the original in action… anything else like only cameos… will sink the project.

I love Ghostbusters since 1984, they have been in my life for the last 23 years and counting) and I need them to be for the rest of my life… and new projects (like the videogame of a third movie) will help a lot.

Besides, the best things came in 3 parts (Lord of the rings, Back to the Future, The Naked Gun, Matrix… I love all of them!!).

by Pandamar

16 years, 11 months ago

I don't see age as a problem, really. I mean…people do get older, and I'm sure our favorite paranormal eliminators are no exception. It's just a fact of life.

Sure Harold could slim down a bit and Bill could die his hair (maybe keep a bit of gray on the sides) just for appearance's sake, but seeing “over the hill” Ghostbusters has never been a big deal for me.

I agree with you about feeling a bit of emptyness at the end of both films, however. I think it would be a great idea if the third film ended showing all four guys being really successful after saving the world. Maybe they could all be professors or something and show them teaching “Ghostbusting” classes…sort of leaving the door open for the continuation of the series.

by Frosty

16 years, 11 months ago

I'm going to agree with the general consensus in as concise a form as possible:

The story of the Ghostbusters is just too good not to continue.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

If stuff like TMNT and Transformers can have a come-back, why the heck cant GHOSTBUSTERS? :-@ (o_O)

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 11 months ago

I don't see age as a problem, really. I mean…people do get older, and I'm sure our favorite paranormal eliminators are no exception. It's just a fact of life.

Sure Harold could slim down a bit and Bill could die his hair (maybe keep a bit of gray on the sides) just for appearance's sake, but seeing “over the hill” Ghostbusters has never been a big deal for me.

Well, I respect your point of view… but I´ve heard some bad comments about how ridiculous and old Stallone were on “Rocky Balboa” and “John Rambo”… and let´s face it… Sly is now an old man… maybe the gym helps… but as I said, time has no mercy… I don´t wanna hear the same comments and critics of my fave four. But let´s wait and see… future is like a box of chocolates…. you never know what you´re gonna get :p