Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?

by Dr.D

17 years, 1 month ago


Nightmare on Elm Street without Robert Englund is the worst thing since the American “Godzilla”. Michael Bay is a money loving studio whore who would piss on fans if he would profit from it.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Consider yourself lucky, there are two names who instill far greater terror for fans of any licenced series that's going to be turned into a movie:

*Uwe Bole
*Paul S. W. Anderson

Bay might be obsessed with special effects, explosions and Zimmer-like music, he may have pulled a Cameron with Pearl Harbor and he may cheese things up… but let's face it, he's a lot better than those two cornball hacks.

by Dr.D

17 years, 1 month ago

But dude, no Robert Englund? That sucks more than there being no Ash character in the new Evil Dead remake. It's as lame as no William Shatner in J.J. Abrams “Star Trek”. Others have cited Englunds exclusion to the fact that the character cannot be serious if he plays it. That is a huge crock of s#!t. He already proved his power to play a truly evil Freddy in New Nightmare. When you create a character like Freddy Krueger, and have the same man play it for nearly 20 years, fans simply will not except a new person to play that beloved character. When people talk about Batman and superman films, it is a different story. Batman only has had 2 actors play him in more than 1 film. Superman was different because of timing. Superman IV was made in the 80's, and it was a failure. It was decades before they decided to make another one, and it wasn't realistic to have Reeves back for more the one reason obviously. Even if Reeves hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have been in it. This is a character who was once one of the most profitable and famous people in the popular culture. The personality Robert brought to the character was what made him so popular. The fact that Robert Englund has OFFERED to play Freddy just makes it worse that Bay rejected him. 20 bucks says Bay hires some hot actor to play Krueger just to have their name taped on to this abomination of what will be called a film. Sorry, but this is one topic I feel very strongly on. I would really like to see Englund as Krueger, if only for one more time.

by castewar1

17 years, 1 month ago

$1,093,670,821 lifetime gross is why he gets to keep making movies - and since his last one was Transformers, he's on top right now.

And as much as I love Edlund, the fact is that Freddy is a recognizable franchise to the mainstream, but Edlund is not. He draws in the cult following, but the movies have been bringing in less and less average viewers. And when that happens, the Hollywood formula is to turn it on it's ear.

Nostalgia-wise, it sucks, but business-wise, it's not illogical. Shatner offered to come back as kirk in the new trek and they turned him down too.

by Dr.D

17 years, 1 month ago

I guess your right. However, Shatner was never asked to be in Star Trek because he “died” in Star Trek: Generations. (*peter)

by Ectofiend

17 years, 1 month ago

*My thoughts and more info on this here: http://forums.ghostbusters.net/viewtopic.php?t=12566


by drstantz2

17 years ago

I guess your right. However, Shatner was never asked to be in Star Trek because he “died” in Star Trek: Generations. (*peter)

Well he could have played an older Kirks father if they had thought of that

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Consider yourself lucky, there are two names who instill far greater terror for fans of any licenced series that's going to be turned into a movie:

*Uwe Bole
*Paul S. W. Anderson

Bay might be obsessed with special effects, explosions and Zimmer-like music, he may have pulled a Cameron with Pearl Harbor and he may cheese things up… but let's face it, he's a lot better than those two cornball hacks.

Let me try and top that with Jason Friedberg. Don't know who he is? Do the movies, Scary Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans ring a bell? I'm getting sick of those parody movies, seriously.

Why do they keep letting HIM and his friend make “movies”?

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Don't forget his upcoming venture, Superhero Movie.

He should be stopped.

by Mjollnir

17 years ago

Thats what she said. :p

I like the parody movies. Altho the last “Scary Movie” sucked ginormous balls and was only about an hour long. If I wanted to see a movie an hour long I'd have stayed home and watched an episode of Stargate.

Back to Michael Bay: I don't see why you don't like him. Bollywood has dancing(refer to the GB remake thread), Hollywood has special effects/explosions. Hell, the effects for the Transformers alone in the Transformers movie were awesome! I say let him keep making movies.