Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Don't forget his upcoming venture, Superhero Movie.

Oh god, I almost forgot. I can't believe he's making money off of scripts that he wrote in like 1 day. These are basically crappier versions of MAD magazine. (*egon)

by castewar1

17 years ago

I guess your right. However, Shatner was never asked to be in Star Trek because he “died” in Star Trek: Generations. (*peter)

Does Shatner know this? Because he won't shut up about not being asked to be in the movie. And yes, he died in Generations, but having an old Kirk go “Gee, I remember when I first took command of the Enterprise” and then the movie flashes back, doesn't require a chronological Kirk. He could be saying it at any time prior to dying.

Cripes, I can't even believe I just said that.

by robbritton

17 years ago

Consider yourself lucky, there are two names who instill far greater terror for fans of any licenced series that's going to be turned into a movie:

*Uwe Bole
*Paul S. W. Anderson

Bay might be obsessed with special effects, explosions and Zimmer-like music, he may have pulled a Cameron with Pearl Harbor and he may cheese things up… but let's face it, he's a lot better than those two cornball hacks.

can we add the Brothers Strause to that list now?

Oh how my childhood is ripped across the rocks… :-(

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

doesn't require a chronological Kirk.

Or they could do like in American Beauty and have an already dead Kirk Do an opening and ending dialogue.

by inebriantia

17 years ago

I saw on AOTS news tickers type thing that Michael Bay reported that he had already completed the script for Transformers 2. Don't know if anyone has opinions on that I just figured I'd post the news.

by Kingpin

17 years ago

It's likely they already had the outline and plot elements penned out while they were finishing the first film, so it isn't really a huge surprise he apparently has the secript for the sequel done… it doesn't mean it'll be rubbish either.