Why dont people understand Widescreen is better!!!

by saber_holder

20 years, 5 months ago

I'm personally a widescreen fan, but if someone knows the difference and still likes Pan & Scan, I can respect that. Its all opinion…


20 years, 5 months ago

I became a fan of widescreen movie's ever since I saw Ghostbusters for the first time on DVD ( infact Ghostbusters was the first DVD I got when I started buying DVD's) I was amazed by all the stuff I missed from my old Ghostbusters VHS; Yes my old first VHS copy of GB. There was a lot of stuff cut off I never noticed untill I saw the DVD. That wide shot of the four Ghosbuters looking down as Stay-Puft approaches. On Full-Screen the four ghostbusters are completely cut out and all you see is Stay-Puft. Then you watch The DVD in widescreen and you see everything.
Yeah, I've tried to explain widecreen for my grandmother before because she also thought you where getting less picture because of the black bars. People just don't seem to like the black bars. So, I give her an example that it is the picture you see in theaters and that the sides are cut off in fullscreen and so on, and explain my Ghostbusters example. So, I've been there done that. LOL
I know this has been said before but…
Fullscreen is evil..EVIL.. EVILLLL! EVIL I tell ya.. EEEEVVVIIIILLLLL!

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 2 months ago

Ivo Shandor;53674
Why are we still talking about this? Full-screen pan-and-scan is dying a slow death. Even Blockbuster, one of its last strongholds, has begun to abandon it.

In five years, full screen will be dead.

Forgive me for bumping this old thread from 6 years ago, but told ya.

by heslimedme251

14 years, 2 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166918
Forgive me for bumping this old thread from 6 years ago, but told ya.

You must have “THE EYE”!

Ahem, anyway…as this topic has resurfaced, I thought i'd just vent my frustration of people insisting on watching fullscreen television and films on a widescreen with it stretched to fill the screen. I've got a few friends who would rather watch something stretched to fit the screen, it really really annoys me. There usual remark is “but i hate the black bars at either side!”

It's like the complete opposite to the whole widescreen issue all these years ago! Arrrrrgggghhhh!