Why is Bill such a douchebag?

by jedimiller

14 years, 7 months ago

The guy is a total douche…just like in his movies…I guess he's not playing the part anymore. Is he going to do GBIII or take his head out of his ass?

by Zombie

14 years, 7 months ago

Only time will tell.

by jedimiller

14 years, 7 months ago

I suppose…I did enjoy the game very much…but he was also a douchebag in the game…i'm starting to think he's like that in real life eh?

by Dr.D

14 years, 7 months ago

Whoa, I think we need to slow down. I really don't think you can call him a douchebag. You really have no idea behind his thinking process. While it may not be what most of us consider logical, he's not a douchebag. Making films has a certain meaning to him, and clearly making what he feels would be a throwaway sequel isn't worth it. He hasn't made a sequel to any of his other films, Ghostbusters is the only one. To him, Peter Venkman was just a role he played. Sure it might be his most famous, but that has no meaning to him. From what I gather Bill has never been in acting for the fame, he does it because he enjoys it. Not to mention the man just went through an awful divorce, which anyone will tell you totally sucks. We should be grateful he has even shown some enthusiasm for doing it. I think we need to sit back and wait.


by jedimiller

14 years, 7 months ago

Whoa, I think we need to slow down. I really don't think you can call him a douchebag. You really have no idea behind his thinking process. While it may not be what most of us consider logical, he's not a douchebag. Making films has a certain meaning to him, and clearly making what he feels would be a throwaway sequel isn't worth it. He hasn't made a sequel to any of his other films, Ghostbusters is the only one. To him, Peter Venkman was just a role he played. Sure it might be his most famous, but that has no meaning to him. From what I gather Bill has never been in acting for the fame, he does it because he enjoys it. Not to mention the man just went through an awful divorce, which anyone will tell you totally sucks. We should be grateful he has even shown some enthusiasm for doing it. I think we need to sit back and wait.


Wrong!!! he voiced garfield one and two…a sequel. those movies were crap. he's a douchebag and it's all his fault that GB3 hasn't been done…plain and simple.

by Dr.D

14 years, 7 months ago

Yep, you're right. What would we do without your brilliant input? There are a lot of reasons why GB3 hasn't happened yet, Bill is just one of them.

by newrecruit1

14 years, 7 months ago

Come on now, people…. in 100 years, this won't mean a thing…. and they've made DrJekyl n MrHyde an hundred times, not to forget Frankenstein! Series and remakes! Some were good! Better than the original! Why not Ghostbusters? Be patient, the word “reincarnation” exist; we going to live again to enjoy whatever we'll miss!

Oh and don't blame poor Bill but the industry; if the guy doesn't want to be in it, turn against those who don't wish to work another idea to make it happen without him. And stop talking about the bad movies, they were all better than the politic on tv!

edit: I think we should not blame Bill or the industry after all. Bill once told about a day where he was singing the ghostbusters theme song in the street, during the time he was working on the new GB videogame, he was very positive about it… and then someone came, looked at him like saying “hey dude, get over it” There, that s the one you wanna blame for playing with Bill's perception! For being part of those who like to drain the joy out of others!

by slimelord1

14 years, 7 months ago

There are a lot of reasons why GB3 hasn't happened yet, Bill is just one of them.

It's pretty undeniable though that Bill has been the main obstacle deterring GB3 from being made.

by Kingpin

14 years, 7 months ago

Not that I agree with him, but it's obvious jedimiller has made him his mind on the matter.

However, regardless of personal feelings, I don't feel that calling Bill a douchebag on the forum is in any way productive. I can only apologise that this wasn't locked sooner.