I could swear Ray calls it Ecto-8 though. Granted, usually when he tells me he's pulling back in the boat, Im usually just dodging that runaway mine car. Maybe Im just missing him saying H instead 8 with all the racket. I still could swear he says 8 though.
ANd yeah, I remember that little unicycle sidecar Ray rode called Ecto-3. Heck, I remember the Ecto-500. (it was some kinda race car with long extendable grabber hoses on the hood.) Perhaps its that from my childhood that made me think he said a number instead of a letter.
No, I'm pretty sure he says Ecto-8.
I wish I could have helped you on that level man, but im expecting my notice from Xbox to coem tomorrow and then once I send off my 360 to be repaired, I'll probably be in the same boat once I start playing the PS2 version to tide me over until my 360 gets back from the shop repaired.