Why was Peter's eyes always green?

by Mike

23 years ago

Why are Peter's eyes green on every action figure? It bugs me. It's a little scary too… yikes

by Russel_Turrner

23 years ago

answer-Peter was the lady kill of the Ghostbusters and there for has bright green eyes on the toys. but it Egon with his blue eyes over those red glasses that is classic I think that they tryed to make the eyes look real with the Busters on the show but ended up making them look Demoninic. If peters eye freak you out look at his fright Feacher toy they pop out his head.
standerd eye color of toys
the other toys changed three times

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

How about…..maybe peter's eyes were green, and they thought that maybe they shouldn't have his eyes spontaneously change color (dont'cha hate it when that happens?), every other figure?

Just a wild guess… wink

by DR.V

22 years, 10 months ago

werent petes eyes blue in the movie??? wierd - then again, egons desision to go with the bleach and the blowdry in 86 was pretty odd 2, dont you think it wudda been funny if for GB2 they did harold ramis's hair like in the cartoon, like they did with janine, i can just imagine him in court looking like a member of the david bowie fanclub, the judge wudda sent him down b4 the scolaris even got outta the jar, im rambling arnt i c ya l8er

by Zack

22 years, 9 months ago

pretty weird smile back in the 80s no doubt they must've done it to make the show more colorful in an effort to keep younger children interested and to help seperate the characters as individuals more. Small children might have confused them…3 dark brown haired guys? no way! We're gonna make one bleach blonde and another one orange!! smile
