Okay, now for reasons I'm not going to go in on an internet message board, I was forced to sell my XBox 360. Now, I have a Wii and will be getting Ghostbusters TVG (was going to get it on the 360, too).
Now, I've tried to do a search and I've got my subscription to Game Informer and I read all the magazines, but I've found very little that answers the one question I have between the Wii version as compared to the 360/PS3 version.
What exactly are the differences? I know about the graphics and the controls (you'd have to be an idiot not to know). I know they use the same audio. I know it tells the same story. The question, though, is what are the differences? Do they leave out certain elements of the story? Do they not use all the voice work recorded? I know the levels won't be exactly the same in terms of design, but do they use ALL the same locations?
Basically, I'm looking for the definitive list of differences (or as close to definitive as they come). If really the only difference boils down to just having differing graphics (with that including level design) and differing controls, I'll be alright. If not, I'm going to have to get my 360 back somehow.
Thanks in advance for the help.