Will 88 MPH Studios be at San Diego Comic Con?

by NetSolo

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey gents, with the production on the flick at an all-time fury I'm not going to be able to attend all four days at Comic Con. I'm thinking of nabbing a Saturday pass- everyone going to be around then?

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

i might be at chicago… what is the date? if there is somewhat of a get-together, maybe we could bring cool peices from our collections. i wouldn't mind bringing some orig. concept art or storyboards…

by castewar

21 years, 8 months ago

Currently, Chicago is 50/50 for Chad/castewar attendance, and I (at the least) will be at San Diego for the four days (I'm not sure if I'll make preview night or not).

d_ozzie, Wizard World is August 8 - 10. San Diego is July 17-20th.

Details forthcoming. I realize it's all very vague and time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future, but even pulling together one or two cool things for an informal fan meet at another big convention is time-consuming.

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 8 months ago

So, who here will be at SDCC? I'll be there Friday, Saturday and most likely Sunday as well.

by castewar

21 years, 8 months ago

For the sake of organization, sometime, hopefully within the next week, Chad and I will be setting up an informal “registration” system for those planning to attend Wizard World in Chicago and/or San Diego Comic Con.

I've put registration in quotes, as it's not going to be a fancy system, and it does not relate to the actual registration system for the cons themselves, but we're planning and hoping that this “registration” will account for something more than just putting you name on a list. Cross your fingers and we'll fill you in later.

In the meantime, the clocks are ticking for the con Registration (note, not in quotes, meaning it refers to the actual cons themselves)

Advanced registration to San Diego ends June 18th;


And Wizard World isn't being helpful and telling us when their advanced orders close, but you can advance register here;


And if you don't live in these cities, you might want to start making plans about where you're going to sleep sooner (as in now) rather than later (as in, you're sleeping on a bench at the convention hall)

More info coming. In the meantime, pipe up if you're planning to attend either con.

by roshangar

21 years, 8 months ago

I'm still not sure whether or not I should go to Wizard World. On one hand I'm not really into comics but on the other I really want to check out 88mph and the GB comic as well as meet some fellow Ghostheads. Advice?

PS: I posted this in the Convention thread, but I'll post it here too. If anybody is coming in from outside Chicago for Wizard World and needs advice about the area, please don't hesitate to email me.

PPS: Last weekend I visited the con center where WW will be held for a concert. Its NICE

by castewar

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, the whole WW con is pretty cheap for the entire weekend, and their day admission are pretty reasonable, so you could always plan to come check out the comic and meet so other GB fans.

by Mike_D

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, I live in Michigan and my friends wanted to take a road trip out of our small town sometime this summer. This would be perfect! We were thinking Chicago too….When are the dates for Chicago? August 1-4?

-Mike D

by d_osborn

21 years, 8 months ago

i may be going to chicago, hopefully i will see you all there.

castewar- are you guys going to have a table set up or something? if so, i would love to help out…

by castewar

21 years, 8 months ago

Mike, it's the 8, 9, and 10 of August.

D_, I don't think we'll have our own table. I don't want to work at the con any more than I have to (having worked cons before). I'd rather have time to wander around and see the show.

We will have a gathering place, which I'll bring you up to speed about shortly.