For the sake of organization, sometime, hopefully within the next week, Chad and I will be setting up an informal “registration” system for those planning to attend Wizard World in Chicago and/or San Diego Comic Con.
I've put registration in quotes, as it's not going to be a fancy system, and it does not relate to the actual registration system for the cons themselves, but we're planning and hoping that this “registration” will account for something more than just putting you name on a list. Cross your fingers and we'll fill you in later.
In the meantime, the clocks are ticking for the con Registration (note, not in quotes, meaning it refers to the actual cons themselves)
Advanced registration to San Diego ends June 18th; Wizard World isn't being helpful and telling us when their advanced orders close, but you can advance register here; if you don't live in these cities, you might want to start making plans about where you're going to sleep sooner (as in now) rather than later (as in, you're sleeping on a bench at the convention hall)
More info coming. In the meantime, pipe up if you're planning to attend either con.