Will 88 MPH Studios be at San Diego Comic Con?

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 8 months ago

I checked their site last night and their doing some server maintenance. Could this be the update we've all been waiting for? Could it! Could it!

Ps-The site is still under sever maintenance


by brorjace

21 years, 8 months ago

Ahh, in accordance to their website *yes* they will be attending, and, I'm gonna be getting someone to get me some stuff from their booth ^_^ He works for Image comics now, so he's gonna be going under their name to the con, so I'm getting him to get my *anything* Ghostbusters and 88MPH Studios related ^_^ ANY freebies ^_^ LOL! Anyways, I have some other stuff to get done so take care and I'll post what I managed to get ^_^