will be the famous enemys in the comic?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

“Four Guys In Grey Who Kinda Look Like Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson”

WHAT!? I thought it was "Four Guys In Tan Who Kinda Look Like Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson"!

I 100% want to see Sam Hain, the Boogeyman, and the Grundel in this Comic. They were the coolest Ghosts/Monsters in the entire Ghostbusters Franchise! :s :d

But what about the Peoplebusters? I don't think that we'd actually see them in this Comic. I can't really picture them in it. They probably won't be used. If they were used, they'd need to be made serious looking, and less goofy. And they'd have to be scary, and not goofy. They'd need a different logo. Winston would need a Counterpart. And they'd all have to slightly resemble the Ghostbusters, some what, like how the how the Peoplebusters slightly resembled the Real Ghostbusters. But I really can't see the Peoplebusters in this Comic. They were too goofy and kiddie, anyway.

I loved the whole idea of New York's Counterpart, Boo York, the Big Pumpkin, though.

“Hey, Boo York. The Big Pumpkin. What a town”

by roberto182

21 years, 8 months ago

woul be gret if thew comic return this villans:
sam hain
Stay puft(my favorite)
tony scolery
nuncio scolery(the scorary bros)

yeah that woul be great

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

The Scolari Brothers were cool. But I don't think we'll see the Scolari Brothers, unless there's a Graphic Novel Adaption of Ghostbusters II. That would be cool. Especially if the added in the deleted scenes from GB II. :s :d

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, since this new ghostbusters comic is taking place directly after or with an adaptation to the ghostbusters movie, in the new ghostbusters timeline, there would be no mention of sam hain, the boogeyman, and the sandman, so they can redesign them a bit and create a story line or acouple story lines around them. So in a way, the villains would be brand new, since in that ghostbusters timeline, they have never been introduced in the series.

I dont know if Im making sense, its sort of late.

by EGraves

21 years, 8 months ago

No, it makes perfect sense. Having RGB villains doesn't mean they have to rehash the RGB episode they came from, we could run into Samhaine, the Boogyman, and the Sandman in completely different story lines and scenarios. Plus, for the people who find them too “silly” for the comic, they can easily be redesigned as more sinister. It'd be like all those X-Men spin offs that try to start the series over and have all the X-Men pop up in different places, only it wouldn't suck like a Hoover. (Apologies to any good X-Men spin offs, but the one I saw was awful.)


by WiGgY

21 years, 8 months ago

I can see the People Busters in the new comic after some major revamping. This would work especially well with the idea of an alternate world. A world where every living being has a ghostly counterpart. I could see a whole story where people are dissappearing and everytime a person dissappears, a zombie or ghost like version of that person appears in the human world.

The reasoning would be that every time a ghost counter part crosses over to the human world, it pushes its human counter part into the ghostly world. When one of the humans tries to get back to the real world one of the people busters chases him into the human world, thus pushing one of the ghostbusters into the ghost world.

It could certainly be interesting if done in a serious adult way instead of the kids way like on RGB. In fact, they could even change them name from People Busters to something else. Maybe the Living Eliminators or something.

Anyway, this is just a thought on how to incorporate it.

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 8 months ago

Seeing Mr. Stay Puft return would be pretty awesome…but I also agree that he'd have to be 100% evil…and an incarnation of Gozer..and PURE evil, no big, stupid voice, with toddler like speech.

by Bboyrd

21 years, 8 months ago

I would love to see a redesigned Boogeyman

by JenSpengler

21 years, 8 months ago

Indeed. If the Boogeyman is put in the comic, he might need a little fine tuning.

Something about a LARGE, angular head on a set of scrawny, chicken legs and hooves….. Ida know

by WiGgY

21 years, 8 months ago

A Staypuft might be hard to do. He was blown up and all. I suppose a really cool story line could be that all the goo that flew all over the city from Stay Puft reforms as the Ghostbusters are celebrating in the streets. Then he starts destroying things again and the guys look up and are horrified and highly confused.

The original idea in the movie was to have a 3rd form of the destructor after Stay Puft. Maybe one Stay Puft reforms is blasted buy the guys are taken back to the spirit world because the Stay Puft form failed in his goal. Then the 3rd more sinister form could show up, thus finishing the original idea of the movie. It would be a great way to segeway into a new timeline by cobing some of the wold with the new.

One thing is for sure though. Stay Puft should not turn into a child or show up in the containment unti all of a sudden. If Stay Puft is in the new comic he has to be explained from issue one.