will be the famous enemys in the comic?

by d_osborn

21 years, 8 months ago

mr. pecker, onionhead wasn't his official name in the movie, but just a nickname the crew gave the ghost.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

His name is officially “Slimer”. No if's, and's, or but's about it.

Ah, but Fritz, he did appear on RGB, once. :s :d And you know what the great thing about that was, guys? He got fired again! :s :d

It would be cool for them to bring him into this comic. As a recurring Character, that is. I don't want to see him in every single issue, but every several issues, maybe. And I hope he'll suffer a whole lot more public humiliation this time!

by thespud

21 years, 8 months ago

I wouldn't oppose to seeing the Grundle as well, if we see the B-man, S-man, and Saimhain. But as others have said, they would probably all need to be reworked.

by domhnall4h

21 years, 8 months ago

I think anything from RGB should be reworked to fit the more mature theme of the new comic. I also think they should start out with a rehash of the first movie, as it appeared in the movie. Maybe make a 5 issue special running along with the main comic. The same for GB2, except modify it so that it actually fits in with the first movie. Those two alone, if done right, could be ‘Year One’. And it would keep them from doing a crappy orgins story later on. Of course, they could just do a Trade Paperback form of both movies, and keep the regular comic running with new storylines. That would be better, so I don't have to find a place to stick any specials after I read them.

by Ghostbuster626

21 years, 8 months ago

well if you look at Ultimate Spider-Man, all of spidey's old nemesis's have been reintroduced and some of them redesigned(like Green Goblin and Electro). Im guessing it would be similar to that in the new GB comic. However I dont see what the need is to redesign Sam Haine and The boggeyman they were both very scary in the cartoon and were supposed to look the same for there cameos in the films but for some reason there scenes never shot. As for the Grundel I think he should have 2 forms, his persuasive form which would be more friendly and more human like and his true form which would be taht scary ghost form that we saw in RGB and EGB.

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Samhain and Boogieman were getting cameos? How comes this is the first I heard of this rumour?

by d_osborn

21 years, 8 months ago

doc, once again…. this is from the FIRST MOVIE! the green ghost wasn't ever mentioned as ‘slimer’. that's all RGB and GB2. i don't think it has been said what the lil' spuds name will be in the comic, though.

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Matthew: well, of COURSE I knew Peck was in an episode of the cartoon (“Big Trouble With Little Slimer”) but it was a pretty dumb one, being Season Two and very-Slimer centered. I certainly don't want the Peck in that episode to serve as a model for the new one–he was more annoying than threatening.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

Aw, come on, d_osborn! He was just refered to as “Onionhead” by the crew, and not in the Movie, itself (I'm sure you knew that, but I thought I'd just bring it up again. ). “Slimer” fits him better. Because that's what he does. He “Slimes” people and things. And it's less confusing to call him “Slimer”, too. :s :d

I know you knew Fritz. I was just joking with you. Wally wasn't evil and threatening in that episode. He needs to be exactly the same way he was in the Original Movie, and not cartoony. I want to see Peter pick on him and insult him even more this time!

by roberto182

21 years, 8 months ago

yeah slimer woul be great see them first like enemy and later like friend