Will Smith? Ashton Kutcher? Johnny Depp?

by djhookup

21 years, 1 month ago

I was searching for the GB3 news the other day and I saw these names as a possibilty to play SOME part in the movie. The site didn't say the last update or if Sony had given the way for production but that's all it said. I saw Will Smith's name though, must of been an old site. Just thought I'd let you guys know.

D.J. Hook-Up

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 1 month ago

That would be pretty interesting.

by Xenographer42

21 years, 1 month ago

If they make Ashton Kutcher a GB, I'll cry for days. Then, once I'm done with that, I'll kill the bastard responsible. Then I'll cry some more. Then I don't know what I'll do, maybe go out for chinese or something.

Johnny Depp, too… no friggin' way. The movie worked because the actors were who they were: the passionate Aykroyd, sarcastic Murray, brainy Ramis, and down-to-earth Hudson. Depp and Kutcher are just actors, pretty faces to put behind a hollow role. Smith MIGHT work, but only if the part was written very well, and with him in mind. Depp's too melodramatic, and Kutcher too vapid, for either of them to work.

by Zedd

21 years, 1 month ago

Nope, to play the token black guy, I want either Ice Cube or Mr. No-ghost!

by Aldo

21 years, 1 month ago

I could actually see that happening. I think Ashton Kutcher is a underrated actor and “The Butterfly Effect” will prove that he can play more than just frat boy roles. Both Depp and Will Smith are big stars now, not sure they'd do it, of course they might do it cause they're fans, who knows :-)

by ajquick1

21 years, 1 month ago

I wanna see Snoop Dogg as the black guy.

by drraystanz

20 years, 6 months ago

i dunno… i always thought that guy from van wilder….whats his name…errr….ryan renolds…i always thought he'd make a funny ghostbuster.

by The_6th_Ghostbuster

20 years, 6 months ago

why change the cast? they still look the same now as they did back in 84 for example look at bill murray in lost in translation he still looks like pete granted harold ramis has got white hair now but that can be dyed, altho in the cartoons egon always had white hair, all the cast including the likes of rick moranis said they want to do the third film so why not, ive even heard rumors that Dan Ackroyd has 2 possible scripts for GB3 so why not?

by drraystanz

20 years, 6 months ago

I dunno you guys…ghostbusters 3 isn't looking promising at all….although it really pisses me off that Columbia Pictures would fund something like “SUPER BABIES: Baby Geniuses 2”…and not fund one of the best selling movies even now…i dunno

by The_6th_Ghostbuster

20 years, 6 months ago

i think its one of those things that the only thing stopping them making it aprat from bill, is a fear that if it goes wrong the credibility of the first 2 films is destroyed, but then again many people hated GB2 yet after seeing it the second time thought yeah this is quite cool, and if the script really is already written then it would still contain that same ghostbusterts humor due to the time it was written in, i think its a 50-50 chance, and i think bill could also mbe swayed if he was presented with a great script