Will Smith? Ashton Kutcher? Johnny Depp?

by DocHoliday

20 years, 6 months ago

I think that Sam Jackson and Bruce Campbell could fill the roles.

by loki

20 years, 6 months ago

Ghostbusters has always been 3 jewish guys and a black guy (i honestly dont want to look prejudice, but its the truth.) so why mess with the theme. There are some great Jewish actors and comedians out there.

Adam Sandler

Ben Stiller

Cris Rock

(and knowing the way movies are made today you need a good looking female role)

Eliza Dushku.

Think about it. If a GBIII is made, they will make a female Ghostbuster…its a 2/1 bet.

by ivoshandor1

20 years, 6 months ago

i think its one of those things that the only thing stopping them making it aprat from bill, is a fear that if it goes wrong the credibility of the first 2 films is destroyed

Nobody's worrying about that, trust me.

Sometimes fans have a totally warped idea of what the studio heads think. They don't give a %#$@ about the fans, or “credibility”. All they care about is getting the masses to haul themselves into the theater and fork over the cash at the concession stand.

They'd make the cheapest, worst Ghostbusters III they could, if they thought they could get away with it and still make money. The opinions of longtime Ghostbusters fanatics like us is not even on the list of things to consider.

That's why we need the right script, and actors who like the first two movies, before a new film should be greenlighted. You need fans in the director and producer's chairs too, or we'll get crap.

by jesusfreak1

20 years, 6 months ago

I still say you go with Troy benjamin and Ron Daniels as part of the cast…..errrrrr…They can both act…..very infact .

by river_of_slime

20 years, 6 months ago

We all know that Ron Daniels can drive a caddy hearse so his just right for the role. As the backup drive to Dan.

by MasterSpider

20 years, 6 months ago

For the love of God, stop blaming Sony for this movie not being made. If you want a direction to channel your anger, then get a picture of Bill Murray's mug on your computer and yell at it…


20 years, 6 months ago

Master Spider wrote:
For the love of God, stop blaming Sony for this movie not being made. If you want a direction to channel your anger, then get a picture of Bill Murray's mug on your computer and yell at it…
I've already tried that. LOL :-)

by GhostBummer

20 years, 4 months ago

Wow I haven't posted in forever. This topic caught my eye because I was thinking about it the other day. Aykroyd, Murray, and Ramis were 3 huge comedy stars in the 80's. If a third movie was to be made, I think 3 equally popular comedy stars would be cast, such as Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn, and Ben Stiller (even though they've made about a dozen movies together already). And maybe Ving Rhames for good measure too. :p

by rays_occult

20 years, 4 months ago

yeah, I was thinking about this the other day too, and I figured, the boys are getting on a bit now, we'd need a next generation kind of thing. I like the idea of a new set of neat young comedians -Ben Stiller, Will Farrell, Jack Black, hey, I even like the Ice Cube idea!
I think I'd see it no matter who they used (well, I'd like to think I would) but to be honest I'd rather it be a television series instead of another movie.

by whoyougonacall

20 years, 3 months ago

im so digging that TV series though with you RO