Will Smith? Ashton Kutcher? Johnny Depp?

by rays_occult

20 years, 3 months ago

i think it's a totally workable idea. They'd have plenty of material- the paranormal world ain't exactly strapped for subjects- and they'd be able to fill in character backgrounds more etc, because…they could do what the cartoon could never, and that's put a little adult content in. I'm not talkin' gettin' down, but they could swear a bit more, be a bit more serious (I know I know the cartoons are serious) but you get what I mean. And effects! Imagine something cool like…um…oh, Star Treks are pretty neato these days. And those crappy cop dramas have a certain style.
Plus, we would've have to be so worried/protective about the characters- they could just have new ones.

Ghostbusters- the next generation!

by Frukathka

20 years, 3 months ago

Adam Sandler

Ben Stiller

Cris Rock

(and knowing the way movies are made today you need a good looking female role)

Eliza Dushku.
LOL. That is one funny group of characters. Although, I don't see Eliza Dushku as being part of it. Maybe Reese Witherspoon.

by fomeboy

20 years, 2 months ago

I dunno you guys…ghostbusters 3 isn't looking promising at all….although it really pisses me off that Columbia Pictures would fund something like “SUPER BABIES: Baby Geniuses 2”…and not fund one of the best selling movies even now…i dunno

So sad but true

by gbusterchick68841

20 years, 2 months ago

EWWWWWW! It just disgust me! Those guys?! They got to be kidding! Why change? I hate change!! There are much better comic actors than those guys! :@

by marison

20 years, 2 months ago

this is my first post, so forgive me if my idea is an old one. since the original cast has gotten on in years, it would not be quite the same. i think they should keep the original cast and add a new one. the movie could start with the originals realizing that they are too old for the line of work. the bulk of the movie could peter, egon, ray, and winston recruiting and training the second generation of ghostbusters. (*peter)

by doctorvenkman1

20 years, 2 months ago

Anyone else think Steve Zahn (That Thing You Do, Saving Silverman) would be a good Ghostbuster? I think he would be really good. He's really an under-rated actor and I find him quite funny.

by marison

20 years, 2 months ago

zahn would definitely be agood GB. he'd be good to replace aykroyd. so would vince vaughn (a good replacement for murray).

by doctorvenkman1

20 years, 2 months ago

Nah, I don't want replacements, no one else can play Dr. Ray Stantz, or Dr. Venkman, or Dr. Spengler, or Mr. Zeddemore. Those guys are the only ones. I don't ever want to see someone else play them in a new sequel. I was thinking Steve Zahn would be great for a new character.

by fomeboy

20 years, 2 months ago

zahn would definitely be agood GB. he'd be good to replace akroyd. so would vince vaughn (a good replacement for murray).

(*peter) what?

by marison

20 years, 2 months ago

i don't mean that zahn and vaughn would play venkman and stantz, i mean that they would play new characters like them. they would have similar personalities