Will Smith? Ashton Kutcher? Johnny Depp?

by rays_occult

20 years, 2 months ago

zahn would definitely be agood GB. he'd be good to replace akroyd. quote]

Do you know how much that statement made my heart ram aginst the wall of my throat? i think I went numb for a bit, my blood stopped pumping.
I have no problem with new characters, it was just those words in a line: replace…Ayk- no! I can't even type it!!
*calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean…*

by marison

20 years, 2 months ago

yeah i know. i would never want other actors to play the original roles, just new characters with personalities and mannerisms LIKE the originals.

by fomeboy

20 years, 2 months ago

But that would be kind of a rip-off of the original Ghostbusters. :p
Better : new characters with new personalities.
Who are you going to call?

by Kingpin

20 years, 2 months ago

You know, I was thinking this over on the bus to college, and I came up with this, that if a new ‘young’ cast had to be picked, I'd pick the following for the main roles:

Greg Kinnear - Dr. Peter Venkman
??? - Dr. Ray Stantz
??? - Dr. Egon Spengler
Mekhi Phifer - Winston Zeddemore

I'll try add a actor for Ray and Egon at some point, but, I don't know…a lot of things I've seen Greg Kinnear in has show he can be good at playing an asshole, and Mekhi's been good in Dawn of the Dead and E.R.

by EgonsBabe

20 years, 2 months ago

How about Richard Belzer as Egon? You know, the dude on Law & Order: SVU?? The dude freakin' sounds like, and looks somewhat like Harold.

by Kingpin

20 years, 2 months ago

How about Richard Belzer as Egon? You know, the dude on Law & Order: SVU?? The dude freakin' sounds like, and looks somewhat like Harold.

Munze? Hmm, that is actually quite a good suggestion, I wonder how he'd do in the role.

by blastGhost

20 years, 2 months ago

That would be pretty interesting and Cool.

by Kingpin

20 years, 2 months ago

I could actually see that happening. I think Ashton Kutcher is a underrated actor and “The Butterfly Effect” will prove that he can play more than just frat boy roles. Both Depp and Will Smith are big stars now, not sure they'd do it, of course they might do it cause they're fans, who knows :-)

Kutcher sucks BALLSZ. I hate that dumbass. “That 70's Show” would be 8988873948494343 times better without him on it. He's not even funny, he has no acting talent, he's just a prettyboy. What a worthless f*ck.

Hey, watch the language pal, kids do come to this place now and again. (*rant)

by EgonsBabe

20 years, 1 month ago

How about Richard Belzer as Egon? You know, the dude on Law & Order: SVU?? The dude freakin' sounds like, and looks somewhat like Harold.

Munze? Hmm, that is actually quite a good suggestion, I wonder how he'd do in the role.

Actually, I think he spells it Munsch. Like the author Robert Munsch. Damn he writes the funniest kids books! :-)

by NickB.

20 years, 1 month ago

I think Vince Vaughn would make a good Ghostbuster to me he has that humor of Bill Murray. Watch Vaughn in Dodgeball he comes off like Murray.