Will Smith? Ashton Kutcher? Johnny Depp?

by ectostantz1

20 years, 1 month ago

I think Patrick Warburton would be an awesome Ghostbuster. He played Agent T in Men in Black 2. A couple other things he was in were an M'nM commercial (where the candies were eating their kind) and he did the voice of Kronk in The Emperors New Groove. He has that kind of humor and disposition that would be perfect for being a Ghostbuster.

I also think Tony Shalhoub would be a great Ghostbuster, too. Also a very funny guy!

by dontebell

20 years, 1 month ago

Freddie Prinze Jr. as Dr.Peter Venkman
Matthew Lillard as Dr.Egon Spengler
Jerry O'Connell as Dr.Ray Stantz
Ernie Hudson Jr. as Winston Zeddemore
Anna Faris as Jannie
Alicia Silverstone as Dana/Zuul
Elijah Wood as Louis Tully/Vince
Tommy Lee Jones as The Mayor

by Kingpin

20 years, 1 month ago

Jerry O'Connell as Dr.Ray Stantz

You know, that's an interesting choice, Jerry sure can carry enthusiam and the scientific mind, afterall he played Quinn on Sliders.

Elijah Wood as Louis Tully/Vince

What was your basis for this choice? Isn't he a little young and non-nerdish to be playing that role?

by dontebell

20 years, 1 month ago

Elijah Wood as Louis Tully/Vince

What was your basis for this choice? Isn't he a little young and non-nerdish to be playing that role?

well he's a great actor in the Lord of the Rings triligoy and his voice almost sound lke hm.but my second choice for Louis is Tobey Maurie
and Hugo Weaving as Walter Peck and maybe Vigo

by slimer3881

20 years, 1 month ago

Jack Black would make a good GB, i think.

by Kingpin

20 years, 1 month ago

Guys, seriously, can we have some reasons why a actor should be chosen other then being the hot stuff of the week. (*winston)

by fomeboy

20 years, 1 month ago

Freddie Prinze Jr. as Dr.Peter Venkman

seriously… can he just stick to Scooby Doo? :p

Guys, seriously, can we have some reasons why a actor should be chosen other then being the hot stuff of the week. (*winston)

LOL! :-)
so sad but true…

by EgonsBabe

20 years, 1 month ago

Guys, seriously, can we have some reasons why a actor should be chosen other then being the hot stuff of the week. (*winston)

Amen brother!! (*peter) No teen idol-ish actors allowed!!

by slimer3881

20 years, 1 month ago

hey, i chose Jack Black, cuz Jack Black is the man, he could take any comedic role.

by EgonsBabe

20 years, 1 month ago

I think it was somebody else who posted the Freddie Prinze Jr. idea. So don't worry, we weren't refering to your choice for Jack Black. Come to think of it, Jack Black would be funny to have as Venkman.