Will Smith? Ashton Kutcher? Johnny Depp?

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

I see you're not a shipper…

Kylie was in Moulin Rouge? How on earth did I miss that?

by Ludicris

19 years, 8 months ago

It would make most sense to cast people who've all worked together in the past (as was done originally); So here is my cast;

Vince Vaughn
Ben Stiller
Will Ferrell
Owen Wilson

(and you can substitute any one of those guys with
Steve Carell
Luke Wilson
Stephen Colbert

by pantshater24

19 years, 8 months ago

It would make most sense to cast people who've all worked together in the past (as was done originally); So here is my cast;

Vince Vaughn
Ben Stiller
Will Ferrell
Owen Wilson

(and you can substitute any one of those guys with
Steve Carell
Luke Wilson
Stephen Colbert

good lord no. yes they have all made great movies, but i would not want them playing my four favorite paranormal agents. especially will ferrell, did you see him in bewitched? horrible. i don't have any actors that come to mind that could even begin to be as good in the roles as the original four, and i honeslty believe that if another movie is made, and it isn't a remake, then the original four have to reprise their roles, it just wouldn't seem right, just like in the batman and james bond movies. or, and this a very weird what if, the actor who played freedy kruger suddenly up and left the franchise, and someone like,oh i don't know, colin hanks took up the role, even if he were good as freddy(which would probably be impossible) he still just wouldn't be the same freddy that scared millions of people for years. but hey that's just me

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

Robert Englund will always be Freddy Krueger, though, as for James Bond, the name is more a codename then his real name, so his changing face over the years isn't a problem (Shoots down the theory that the films contradicted themselves on Bond's ability to read Chinese)

But like what happened with Starsky and Hutch, the humour in Ghostbusters is at the point where it isn't a laugh a minute, it's actually the point where it's intelligent, and subtle, and I think some of the choices for the cast just can't play it like Murray, Ayckroyd, Ramis, Hudson or Potts pulled it off.

by unclesirus2

19 years, 8 months ago

Kylie Minogue was the green fairy although in the credits, Ozzy is listed as playing it.

by Godfart

19 years, 6 months ago

I didn't know Murray, Ramis or Aykroyd were Jewish. They looked like white guys to me.

by castewar1

19 years, 6 months ago

I didn't know Murray, Ramis or Aykroyd were Jewish. They looked like white guys to me.

I don't know what's worse, the innacuracy of the initial comment or the subtext of your reply - Aykroyd and Murray were both raised Catholic, if I recall correctly. Ramis' background is less catalogued.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 6 months ago

One of the biggest reasons for the success of the film's style of humor was because of the training that all of them had at Second City, lots of stuff was improved in those movies and the reason it all worked out so well was because they all knew each other so well and each of them was able to play off each other so well, I cant think of anyone that has that kind of chemistry on screen nowadays. I highly doubt that the Ghostbusters COULD be done even close to what those guys did. They were masters at their craft and I wil be deeply saddened if their characters were thrown to the new-age hollywood flavors of the month to fight over. The only way I can forsee a change in the roster is if there was an entirely new team, new characters and all. And even then I'd want to see the old faces. But hey, like someone on here pointed out earlier, nobody really gives a crap about the opinions of the fans… (takes ecto-goggles off his head and holds them over his heart) I weep for the future of Ghostbusters…

by Kingpin

19 years, 6 months ago

Para-psychology_doc, you're a welcome change to the usual pace, by all means I have no problem with different actors being suggested for a new team… but you can't just drop all of Hollywood's current talent and just select from it, like you said SNL was what brought the original talent together, and it's probably something like that that would need to play on any new potentials so they have the right kind of banter.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 6 months ago

I'm not saying that there is no talent left, I'm just saying what they will probably END UP DOING, if the movie is made, they'll probably shove whaever the hottest thing is that week into the role, if they have to have a new team, so be it, I wouldn't mind seeing a new team come together remeniscent of Akroid, Raimis and Murray, alls I'm saying is that it probably wont happen that way. The “powers-that-be” will put their poster-boys (or girls, to be PC) in the roles and ham it up with one-liners. I've watched over the last few years as this has happened and every time I can't stand to see it happen. So to sum up… I AM open to the possibility of a new team, but what I'm not open to, is actors given roles just because they are who they are. I'd like a littls substance, but maybe thats just me (shrug).