Will Smith...In GB3

by EgonSpangler777

20 years, 12 months ago

I heard a rumer sense all of the original Ghostbusters were to old to continue as themselves, that Will Smith was going to play Winston. Have ny of you heard this aswell?

by GB3Must_Be_Done

20 years, 12 months ago

No, but it probably wouldn't be true - because it's also true that Ernie Hudson was wiling to redo the part, wasn't he?

by d_osborn

20 years, 12 months ago

wanted in the movie, yes, as Winston? No… (*winston) This was around the same time that Chris Farley was said to have a part in it.
my guess… if he was being considered, it was probably as lovell…

A cool, lanky, handsome FUBU devotee with shades, dreads, gold jewlery. He is attempting to grow a moustache.

by AgentD

20 years, 12 months ago

I remember hearing that a lot. But it would've just been another similarity between GB and MIB.

by d_osborn

20 years, 12 months ago

Dan Evans
I remember hearing that a lot. But it would've just been another similarity between GB and MIB.
…and another reason why i'm glad it wasn't made then…

by fomeboy

20 years, 1 month ago

Dan Evans
I remember hearing that a lot. But it would've just been another similarity between GB and MIB.
…and another reason why i'm glad it wasn't made then…

True… don't want to see Will Smith ruin the Ghostbusters… unless we need a flying human-dumbo ghost in the scene :p
let him just stick to the old fresh prince character :-O

by Danforth

19 years, 10 months ago

i do not approve of will smith for the role as zeddemore… i just dont… will smith is too… out there. if you know what i mean… he will try and be a camera spot light hog… not to be mean… but lets just say he is not one of my favored actors….

by fomeboy

19 years, 10 months ago

A cool, lanky, handsome FUBU devotee with shades, dreads, gold jewlery. He is attempting to grow a moustache.
Damn we need a GB, not a pimp :p

i do not approve of will smith for the role as zeddemore… i just dont… will smith is too… out there. if you know what i mean… he will try and be a camera spot light hog… not to be mean… but lets just say he is not one of my favored actors….

yeah he sucks just say it lol
Dumbo ruined Independence Day lol
If it wasn't for The Fly…
They both got wings… but do they both have a brain? (*_*)
I guess I should stop drinking now… :p

by canadianGB

19 years, 5 months ago

he was rumored to be in it years ago but not as Winston but as a recruit as well as Chris Farley.

by Pizzaguy

19 years, 5 months ago

I think there is a Ghostbustetrs curse because of the fact that Chris Farley died at the same age as Jim Belushi did, and the fact that they both would have been Ghostbusters!? Makes ya' wonder dosen't it? :-O (*winston) (*flame)