Willing to Trade..(Pic Heavy)

by ValeTudoKid

17 years, 9 months ago

My Michael Myers Mask and Coveralls for a Proton Pack and Ghostbuster Coveralls..here is a picture of Both of them…

Me with both the Mask and Coveralls On

here are the coveralls…

PM Me for More Details I already Have two of those Mask both are custom made…and I dont want one of them…and i also have a Pair of Coveralls as well…so I really want the Ghostbusters Jump Suit as well as the Proton Pack…I hope this a good trade..

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

I can's speak for anyone else… but I don't believe there will be many who will be willing to trade…

That looks to be a pre-build Micheal Myers mask… and a normal costume/ex-army store-bought jumpsuit. Few people are willing to give away a Pack or accurate costume for free given the work and materials involved… You'd likely have to set some money aside to purchase one, if a person is willing to sell one… and that includes ones without electronics.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 9 months ago

that mask is worth about 40-50 bucks…depending if there is a halloween movie coming out. well there is so i say 50. overalls you can get at any store…that is the worst trade i ever heard in my life.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Sh*t man! I open the thread and out of nowhere a giant picture of Michael Myers pops up. Warn me before you post things like that :p

Anyway, no one would trade a proton pack w/ thrower, GB suit w/ patch, and boots for a jumpsuit and rubber mask. Sorry.

by ValeTudoKid

17 years, 9 months ago

that mask is worth about 40-50 bucks…depending if there is a halloween movie coming out. well there is so i say 50. overalls you can get at any store…that is the worst trade i ever heard in my life.
Thanks for the Help then…I converted that Mask from a Captian Kirk one…So it was alot of work and I had to Replace the Hair… but I understand guys…and thanks for the Advice…sorry about that but if anyone can make a offer to buy it from me or a ghostbuster item that is equal amount to it then maybe i might trade it cause i have two Myers Masks and I can post pics of the other one if you want me to…once again i wasnt trying to upset anyone… (;_

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Oh no problem man. If you can't find someone to trade for a pack, head over to the “Wanted: Proton Pack” thread just a few threads down in this section. That guy is selling “phantom” packs fairly cheaply.

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

that is the worst trade i ever heard in my life.

you can't blame someone for trying considering the hard work he put into it just like anyone can put hard work to build a proton pack… why don't you get an avatar with the size that respects the rules in here instead?

Oh no problem man. If you can't find someone to trade for a pack, head over to the “Wanted: Proton Pack” thread just a few threads down in this section. That guy is selling “phantom” packs fairly cheaply.

now that's an intelligent comment… thumbs up for you King…

Vale Tudo Kid
once again i wasnt trying to upset anyone… (;_

don't worry you never know when someone might be willing to trade… and welcome to the message board…