Winston Art Is Coming TODAY! Start Spreading The News!

by Chad

21 years, 9 months ago

That's right folks. You've waited to see more art and is going to be the first to give it to you. Come to the site at 6PM eastern (5 Central, 3 Pacific) today to be the first to see Winston Zeddemore from the upcoming Ghostbusters comic book series!

Make sure and spread the word, the Ghostbusters are back! :d

by LordVego

21 years, 9 months ago

yay! Thanks for the news, Chad. “We're Back!” I am advertising to as many people as I can

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

Sounds cool

by SmokingTrap

21 years, 9 months ago

Am I right in thinking 6pm Eastern is around 11pm Greenwich?

I can't wait to see this… it's good that Chad is being allowed to share these preview pieces, especially after the problems with the last set. I think 88MPH deserve a big “thank you!” for their trust and openness.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Im getting so excited, I cant sit still. I love this revival!!!!

by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

Cant wait :d :d

by Chad

21 years, 9 months ago

This is the sign!

Sign of what?

BACK in business!

It's time to start spreading the news. This is our time to shine. Spread the news as much as you can, tell your friends, editors at your favorite sites, post on other message boards, etc.

The community is going to grow and the comic is going to be HUGE. It's our responsibility to get the news out to the “correct people” so it starts a chain reaction and remains successful.


21 years, 9 months ago

when can we expect peters pic and info on convention info such as i hope exclusive comic

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 9 months ago

cool I'll be there, I hope he resembles a man this time!!!

by RobertKnippels

21 years, 9 months ago

I am so exiting…Can't wait. It feels great to see our beloved hero's again. I like the style allready. This can't fail.

Sometimes shit happends and someone has to deal with it and who are you going to call?



