winstons part should be bigger in GB3

by jojofio

14 years, 5 months ago

This topic has come into discussion many times over the last 20 years. I feel that winston deserves alot more screen time not only due to him being such a great character but also because he is an essential part of the team because he relates to the “everyman”. He has gotten shafted in certain posters and box/VSH/DVD covers and its just not right. MOREOVER Ernie Hudson has been helping to push the franchise in ways that some of the other guys just dont do. We see him at countless conventions, screenings, and interviews. Clearly Ernie has a love for the franchise and a respect for the Ghostheads. I for one hope that he receives some more screen time in GB3. How do you guys feel on this subject??????

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

I agree with ya on this aswell….i could be wrong on this so if anyone knows more please share…..i remember bill murry saying that he would only sign up for the game if they gave ernie hudson equal rights and his charactor the same time on screen in the game as dan,bill and harold and also to the francise with action figures etc and that he should be reconised more as been part of the ghostbusters then only a background charactor like in ghostbusters and ghostbusters II

by jedimiller

14 years, 5 months ago

This topic has come into discussion many times over the last 20 years. I feel that winston deserves alot more screen time not only due to him being such a great character but also because he is an essential part of the team because he relates to the “everyman”. He has gotten shafted in certain posters and box/VSH/DVD covers and its just not right. MOREOVER Ernie Hudson has been helping to push the franchise in ways that some of the other guys just dont do. We see him at countless conventions, screenings, and interviews. Clearly Ernie has a love for the franchise and a respect for the Ghostheads. I for one hope that he receives some more screen time in GB3. How do you guys feel on this subject??????

I disagree…Winston was a joke..he wasn't really a ghostbusters..he was like a Janitor. I don't care what ernie has done in real life or whatever..His character is pretty lame in my opinion. he says some dumb things..I think i'd rather see someone else in his place..he's not really that funny.

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

I disagree…Winston was a joke..he wasn't really a ghostbusters..he was like a Janitor. I don't care what ernie has done in real life or whatever..His character is pretty lame in my opinion. he says some dumb things..I think i'd rather see someone else in his place..he's not really that funny.

Why are you on this site?…..all you do is give negative posts about anything to do with ghostbusters and then you go on about why people don't take you seriously or are been harsh towards you (*egon)

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

I disagree…Winston was a joke..he wasn't really a ghostbusters..he was like a Janitor. I don't care what ernie has done in real life or whatever..His character is pretty lame in my opinion. he says some dumb things..I think i'd rather see someone else in his place..he's not really that funny.

Like some people, you've completely missed the point of Winston, he's the normal guy the audience identifies with, and he was pretty funny in his own right.

You general disrespect for Ernie is frankly appalling, he's been as active as Dan, if not more so, in getting down with the fans and interacting with them, give the man credit where it's due.

by Ectofiend

14 years, 5 months ago

I disagree…Winston was a joke..he wasn't really a ghostbusters..he was like a Janitor. I don't care what ernie has done in real life or whatever..His character is pretty lame in my opinion. he says some dumb things..I think i'd rather see someone else in his place..he's not really that funny.

Like some people, you've completely missed the point of Winston, he's the normal guy the audience identifies with, and he was pretty funny in his own right.

You general disrespect for Ernie is frankly appalling, he's been as active as Dan, if not more so, in getting down with the fans and interacting with them, give the man credit where it's due.

Agreed full-tilt with Ben…These layman sites and blogs that tout Ernie's character as a “throwaway” or “token black” character are so misguided it's not funny…And you're no different…I wonder if your ‘sentiment’ was a result of reading such things or an original thought? Maybe an attempt to be witty, cynical, or the ever popular ‘ironic’? Either way it's CRAP…That wasn't even CONSTRUCTIVE criticism…

Winston's character had a reason, and a purpose…And STILL does to this day…And if you're that narrow-minded you can't see that then by all means GTFO…I'm sick and f'ing tired of people coming onto these boards trolling just to either get attention or to stir the pot…And how I came to that assumption is the fact you chose the easiest “Piss people off” button…

If you don't like Winston, chances are you don't really like GB all that much as he is in fact PART of the central focus of the franchise, and as such GO HOME…

by jojofio

14 years, 5 months ago

I disagree…Winston was a joke..he wasn't really a ghostbusters..he was like a Janitor. I don't care what ernie has done in real life or whatever..His character is pretty lame in my opinion. he says some dumb things..I think i'd rather see someone else in his place..he's not really that funny.

Yea Winston says dumb things….I assume youre referring to the scene in GB1 where he and Ray were driving across the bridge and winston asks ray “Hey Ray, do you believe in god”…..CAUSE THAT WAS ONE OF THE BEST SCENES NOT ONLY IN GB BUT IS CINEMA AS WELL…..Just to refresh your mind Heres the link………

by jedimiller

14 years, 5 months ago

Sorry, guys. I know you are all tight in here and I come from the outside with different views, and it throws you off…I just don't think much of Winston…not really a fan..Never understood why they needed him in the first place when all he really wanted was a paycheck and wasn't part of the original 3..the guy didn't even believe in ghosts..he comes out as greedy with me.

I'm more of a Ray fan…

by jojofio

14 years, 5 months ago

Sorry, guys. I know you are all tight in here and I come from the outside with different views, and it throws you off…I just don't think much of Winston…not really a fan..Never understood why they needed him in the first place when all he really wanted was a paycheck and wasn't part of the original 3..the guy didn't even believe in ghosts..he comes out as greedy with me.

I'm more of a Ray fan…

I accept this response because its intelligent and because you are entitled to your own opinion. In regard to us being close and you coming from the outside, it has nothing to do with that…its simply the fact thatsome of the stuff you say is soooo off base that I think your name might actually start with a “P” if you catch my drift. Other than that we all respect the things you have to say and whether we agree with them or not : )

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

Sorry, guys. I know you are all tight in here and I come from the outside with different views

Don't you even dare suggest we're all part of some Ernie-worshipping clique and that your dogmatic remarks from above are “alternative views”.