I've re-read my post, and I am not attacking anyone. THe pack referenced, and I have no idea's who's it was, is what contirbuted to the labels, the small details, and the overall colors and look. The wire frames are not referenced from that pack.
I simply find it funny and ironic that the labels, for example, which are those original labels from waaaaay back in the day, and while good for their time, are now grossly wrong, and now, in fact, the exact thing to use, making them accurate.
After having seen the video of the Dallas guys back pre-release, and seeing the photos taken for various photoshoots,(not to mention hearing one of you bouncing up and down while playing the game!) it's easy to tell that was the pack used to detail TR. I'm not attacking anyone's work, and even mention that the pack is a beautiful one. That's not a passive attack, that's a compliment!!
I hope that the negativity can die down, and we can move on.
Thiago, I saw your VG pack you built online during E3, it wasn't bad at all. I'm dying to know where you green slime hose came from, it was sweet! You guys were lucky to go, and we were lucky to get New York. Thank god the game was a success. I think both our groups might have had some small part to play in that. It's uber-rare to get to do something like that outside of the 501 . . .or being able to fit into a booth babe costume **shiver**
Also, Thiago, I am very happy you think my pieces look clean, and I really appreciate the compliment. It means alot.
Anyway, I've been casting up the front barrel pieces, and am dreading taking on the slime blower . . .it's sooo big!